Add a way to inject custom script into remote URLs on the window mode. (Done)
Consider storageLocation-like implementation while creating app-specific files within the app directory. (Done) for networking APIs. i.e.,
Introduce an event system for multi-window communication.
Add new functions resources.getFiles(), resources.readFile(path), resources.readBinaryFile(path), and resources.extractFile(path, destination) to let developers parse the resources.neu file. (Done)
Introduce a way to debug extensions on Windows by displaying stdout/stderr on the terminal.
Add window.transparent boolean config property (default is false) to enable window transparency (Developers can control the opacity level with CSS using rgba color function). (Done)
Configless framework initialization. (Done)
Static server
Single Page App (SPA) serving support can be acticated using the singlePageServe boolean configuration option. (Done)