nevalang / neva

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Bytes parsing #27

Closed emil14 closed 7 months ago

emil14 commented 2 years ago

In Go it's possible to pass pointer to function that takes interface{} like json.Unmarshal:

var v struct{x int}

if err := json.Unmarshal(&v, []bytes{" {x:42} "}); err != nil {

How to do this in FBP where we don't have pointers?

NOTE: this is fundamenal since almost any program gets its input from outside as bytes

emil14 commented 2 years ago

Constant solution

Create const node with predefined (empty?) struct and pass it to template port of genericjsonParse<T> component with bytes to data port.

const.struct = {x:42}

const.struct -> jsonParser
inports.bytes -> jsonParser
jsonParser.out -> outports.struct


It seems to be a synchronous approach - we don't parse data peace by peace