nevalang / neva

🌊 Flow-based programming language with static types and implicit parallelism. Compiles to native code and Go
MIT License
85 stars 7 forks source link
compiler concurrent-programing dataflow-compiler dataflow-programming dataflow-runtime fbp fbp-compiler fbp-runtime flow-based flow-based-programming functional-programming go golang neva nevalang programming-language reactive-programming visual-programming visual-programming-editor visual-programming-language

Big Header

Flow-Based Programming Language

tests lint

⚠️ Warning: This project is currently under heavy development and is not yet ready for production use.


A general-purpose flow-based programming language with static types and implicit parallelism. Compiles to machine code and Go.


Features 🚀

Please note that even though these features are technically implemented, developer-experience may be bad due to the current state of the project. No backward-compatibility guarantees at the time.

Quick Start


For Mac OS and Linux:

curl -sSL | bash

If your device is connected to a chinese network:

curl -sSL | bash

For Windows (please note there's an WIP issue with Windows Defender, try manual download from releases if installed won't work):

curl -o installer.bat -sSL && installer.bat

Creating a project

neva new test


neva run test/src

You should see the following output:

Hello, World!

What's inside?

If you open test/src/main.neva with your favorite IDE you'll see this

flow Main(start) (stop) {
    nodes { Println }
    :start -> ('Hello, World!' -> println -> :stop)

Here we define a flow Main with inport start and outport stop. It contains one node, println, an instance of Println. The network consist of one connection: upon receiving a message from start, "Hello, World!" is sent to println. After printing, the program terminates by signaling stop.


Now run (make sure you are in the test directory with neva.yml):

neva run test/src # or neva run test/src/main.neva

You should see the following output:

Hello, World!

What's Next?

Roadmap (🚧 WIP)

Nevalang is at an extremely early stage but with the help of community it can become a feature-rich, mature language.

See backlog for more details

Nevalang needs your help - it currently has just a few maintainers.


Join community. Together we can change programming for the better:

Also please check our CoC.


See and

Neva is a relatively small and simple language. Don't be intimidated, feel free to dive in and hack around. Some directories have a

Note that, due to the early stage of development, the documentation can sometimes be outdated. Feel free to reach out to maintainers if you need any help.