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[Runtime, Connector] Fast receivers have to wait for slow ones #529

Open emil14 opened 3 months ago

emil14 commented 3 months ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **emil14** March 26, 2023 Current implementation of the connector algorithm has some downsides that leads to unnecessary blocking. Here's how it works _For every N connections, where connection is a one sender to many receivers relation, spawn N goroutines. Each goroutine reads an message from sender and distributes across M receivers. It does so in a cyclic manner, trying to avoid unnecessary blocking - if one receiver is busy it immediately goes to the next one and do so in a loop until every receiver got the message. However, if sender is fast enough to deliver a new message before all receivers got the previous one, then we have to wait. In other words - the speed of distribution of a message across M receivers is the speed of the slowest receiver._ It's possible in theory for "fast" receivers not to wait for the slower and continue to receive messages. Here's the example: Let `s1` sender sends message at the speed of `1 msg/second` and let there be 2 receivers `r1` and `r2` - `r1` receiver is as fast as `s1` sender and is able to receive `1 msg/second` but `r2` receiver is slow and only can receive `0.5 msg/second` (it needs 2 seconds to process a message). - `s1` sends a `m1` first message to `r1` and `r2` - one seconds have passed - `s1` sends second `m2` message - at the same time `r1` finishes processing of `m1` and could immediately receive `m1` but instead waits for `r2` that needs one more second - another second have passed - `s1` sends third message `m3` - after two seconds `r2` finishes processing of `m1` - `r1` and `r2` immediately receives `m2` message but there's already `m3` waiting - after another second situation happens again (and will happen over and over until program terminate) However, keep in mind that **order of messages must not be broken**. Any optimization of the algorithm must keep the correctness of the current implementation. --- Related to #250, #90, #243
emil14 commented 3 months ago

Perhaps we need to spawn goroutine not per connection but per 1-1 stream?

emil14 commented 1 month ago

This problem is even worse with new design