nevalang / neva

🌊 Dataflow programming language with static types and implicit parallelism. Compiles to native code and Go
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Implemented new logic components #607

Closed dorian3343 closed 1 month ago

dorian3343 commented 1 month ago

Implemented two new logic components to improve DX.

Assert component

Type signature

pub Assert<T>(val T, val2 T) (res bool)

Compares two values and returns if they're equal

If component

Type signature

pub If(val bool) (ok any, else any)

Takes in a boolean and starts one of the two branches. Ok if the bool is true, else if its false

Example usage

component Main(start) (stop) {
    nodes { Println, assert Assert<string>, if If }
    :start -> [
        ('neva is cool' -> assert:val),
        ('neva' -> assert:val2)

       assert:res -> if

       if:ok -> ('They match' -> println -> :stop)
       if:else -> ('They do not match' -> println -> :stop)
emil14 commented 1 month ago
  1. I suggest call it Eq because "Assert" sounds like it should return error or panic
  2. I suggest have two outports else and then instead of sending boolean. Send boolean is first thing that comes to mind but then you should "assert" that boolean (is it true or false?) and implement routing. I figured out some time ago that sending booleans isn't much useful in Neva compared to having several outports
  3. I would like to discuss possibility of having array-inport so we can compare N values instead of just two, also discuss if we need this for streams
dorian3343 commented 1 month ago
  1. Renamed it as you wished.
  2. I actually think sending a boolean is good, since you can build on top of the 'if' (we can add more and build an ecosystem for simple logic syntax). Having two outports forces you to use it in a specific way instead of it being flexible. 3.You can just use iter

IMO if and Eq will pair nicely with Iter and future components to create composition

emil14 commented 1 month ago

Having two outports forces you to use it in a specific way instead of it being flexible

Why? Could you please provide some proof?

If and Eq will pair nicely with Iter

  1. I don't think user should use Iter most of the time preferring something like map/filter/reduce/for
  2. Could you please show some examples?