nevalang / neva

🌊 Flow-based programming language with static types and implicit parallelism. Compiles to native code and Go
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Cancelation Problem #668

Open emil14 opened 4 weeks ago

emil14 commented 4 weeks ago

In Go we pass ctx context.Context argument explicitly. We solve 2 problems this way

  1. Cancelation
  2. Passing values without "props drilling"

Here we only talk about first problem - cancelation. How to cancel (terminate) execution before it naturally ends? E.g. by timeout.

On Go Way

I see a downside of Go's solution. Extra ctx argument is a boilerplate and once it appears somewhere it can spreads throwout the call-stack.

Are there better solutions? What other languages offer?

emil14 commented 4 weeks ago


TODO research

emil14 commented 4 weeks ago
