neverlosecc / source2gen

Source2 games SDK generator
Apache License 2.0
193 stars 31 forks source link


Source2Gen is a tool to generate Source 2 SDKs. \ This project aims to provide an easy way to generate SDKs for various Source 2 games. \ An example of such SDKs could be found at source2sdk.

Getting Started

These instructions will help you set up the project on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Clone the repository

To clone the repository with submodules, run the following command:

git clone --recurse-submodules

Update the Game Definition

Before building the project in Visual Studio, you will need to update the game definition. The default definition is CS2. \ Possible options are: CS2, SBOX, ARTIFACT2, ARTIFACT1, DOTA2, UNDERLORDS, DESKJOB.


You can use premake5 options and specify which game you want to dump:

 Choose a particular game for dumping source 2 sdk; one of:
     ARTIFACT1        Artifact Classic
     ARTIFACT2        Artifact Foundry
     CS2              Counter-Strike 2
     DESKJOB          Aperture Desk Job
     DOTA2            Dota 2
     HL_ALYX          Half-Life: Alyx
     SBOX             S&BOX
     THE_LAB_ROBOT_REPAIR Portal: Aperture Robot Repair
     UNDERLORDS       Dota Underlords

Building the project

With premake5

premake5 vs2019 --game=CS2

With CMake

cmake --build build


This project is made possible by the contributions of various individuals and projects. Special thanks to the following:

This project also utilizes the following open-source libraries:

If you've contributed to the project and would like to be listed here, please submit a pull request with your information added to the credits.