new-cairo-sky / epubkit

MIT License
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:construction: Work in Progress! :construction:


code style: prettier

A universal JS library for parsing and editing epubs in both Node.js (v8.x +) and the browser.

Note: Support for signatures requires Node v10+ for the Crypto API used by the node WebCrypto pollyfill.


Note: Epubkit relies on BrowserFS v2.0.0-beta for browser support of node fs. Cryptographic signing and hashing for signatures.xml relies on XMLDSIG and a WebCrypto pollyfill for Node.


npm install git+


import Epubkit from "epubkit";

const epubkit = new Epubkit();
await epubkit.load("/path/to/epub-dir");

// get the opf metadata as an object
const metadata = epubkit.opf.metadata;


Tests are made with jest. The server must be running for browser-based tests. Jest Puppeteer is configured with JSDom to enable DOM support during browser testing with es6 imports; see: Also see the package.json Jest config for details.

npm start
npm test


npm test -- [test-file-name].test.js

The testing server can be viewed at http://localhost:3000/


All xml attributes are normalized to lower case. Although XML should be case-sensitive, in practice, attributes cases are not consistently implemented. See, for example: Furthermore, the case style of attributes is not consistent across w3c specs - epub xml attr tend to be kebab-case, while Signature xml tends to PascalCase.