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active version of the website for built on the Jekyll framework
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Hotfix/fix css dependencies #82

Closed bsutt123 closed 6 years ago

bsutt123 commented 6 years ago

I just added bourbon, bootstrap-sass and susy live and direct as css dependencies again.

We can probably build with webpack eventually, but because our other scss files depend on bourbon and susy for mixins, we would have to do it all in webpack rather than just those 3. Because I didn't want to make any really huge changes yet before we can discuss it as a group, I copied the the node modules folder into _scss

I also messed up the dependencies when i moved them from dev dependencies to normal dependencies, so I went back and got the correct ones from an old commit and moved them to the correct version.

build the bundle with webpack, deleted node_modules and then ran the jekyll serve successfully. I am hopeful that removes the last reference to node_modules and will allow it to build successfully.