newhavenio /

active version of the website for built on the Jekyll framework
MIT License
13 stars 12 forks source link Jekyll site

New Jekyll site for, using Bootstrap and Jekyll for more collaboration in development and blog writing.

Setup Dev Dependencies

$ gem install bundler # if not already installed
$ npm -g install yarn

Install Application Dependencies

$ bundle
$ yarn

Run Application Server

make sure to build the webpacks bundle.js before serving

$ yarn start


  1. Fork the repo and set up the local dev environment. Please see the above for how to do that.
  2. Make a branch off of develop.
  3. Make your changes. Write tests when appropriate.
  4. Make a Pull Request to the upstream develop.


The site is built using travis. Successful builds on the develop branch commit the compiled site in its entirety to master. This is entirely automated. Only one user, @newhaven-io-deploybot can push to master.


This program is licensed under the MIT License. Details can be found in LICENSE.CODE. Blog posts (the textual content of files matching the glob *.md in the posts directory) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. Details can be found in LICENSE.CONTENT.