newrelic / serverless-newrelic-lambda-layers

A Serverless plugin to install New Relic's AWS Lambda layers without requiring a code change.
Apache License 2.0
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A Serverless plugin to add New Relic observability using AWS Lambda Layers without requiring a code change.




With NPM:

npm install --save-dev serverless-newrelic-lambda-layers

(Note: this plugin's production dependencies are now defined as peer dependencies. NPM v7 and later will install missing peer dependencies automatically, but v6 does not.)

With yarn:

yarn add --dev serverless-newrelic-lambda-layers

Add the plugin to your serverless.yml:

  - serverless-newrelic-lambda-layers

This plugin should come last in your plugin ordering, particularly if you're also using plugins such as serverless-plugin-typescript or serverless-webpack.

If you don't yet have a New Relic account, sign up here.

Grab your New Relic Account ID, your New Relic Personal API Key and plug them into your serverless.yml:

    accountId: your-new-relic-account-id-here
    apiKey: your-new-relic-personal-api-key-here


sls deploy

And you're all set.


This plugin wraps your handlers without requiring a code change. If you're currently using a New Relic agent, you can remove the wrapping code you currently have and this plugin will do it for you automatically.


The following config options are available via the newRelic section of the custom section of your serverless.yml:

accountId (required)

Your New Relic Account ID.

    accountId: your-account-id-here

apiKey (required)

Your New Relic Personal API Key.

    apiKey: your-api-key-here

If your function's source is committed to version control, you can avoid committing your license key by including it in your serverless.yml as a variable. See the Serverless docs on template variables for more information.

nrRegion (required for EU; optional for US)

If your New Relic account is based in the EU, make sure to specify your nrRegion in the custom block:

    nrRegion: 'eu'

linkedAccount (optional)

A label for the New Relic Linked Account. This is how this integration will appear in New Relic. If not set, it will default to "New Relic Lambda Integration -

". ```yaml custom: newRelic: linkedAccount: your-linked-account-name ``` #### `trustedAccountKey` (optional) Only required if your New Relic account is a sub-account. This needs to be the account ID for the root/parent account. ```yaml custom: newRelic: trustedAccountKey: your-parent-account-id ``` #### `debug` (optional) Whether or not to enable debug mode. Must be a boolean value. This sets the log level to debug. ```yaml custom: newRelic: debug: true ``` #### `enableExtension` (optional) Allows your function to deliver its telemetry to New Relic via AWS Lambda Extension. Defaults to `true`, so it can be omitted. To avoid delivering your telemetry via the extension, set to `false`. ```yaml custom: newRelic: enableExtension: true ``` #### `enableFunctionLogs` (optional) Allows your function to deliver all of your function logs to New Relic via AWS Lambda Extension. This would eliminate the need for a CloudWatch log subscription + the NR log ingestion Lambda function. This method of log ingestion is lower-cost, and offers faster time to glass. ```yaml custom: newRelic: enableFunctionLogs: true ``` #### `enableExtensionLogs` (optional) The New Relic Lambda Extension writes diagnostic logs by default. If you'd prefer to mute them, set this to `false`. (Defaults to `true`.) ```yaml custom: newRelic: enableExtensionLogs: false ``` #### `logEnabled` (optional) Enables logging when using CloudWatch-based telemetry transport with the newrelic-log-ingestion Lambda function. Defaults to `false` #### `enableIntegration` (optional) Allows the creation of New Relic aws cloud integration when absent. Defaults to `false`. If an integration already exists for your AWS account,you can omit this. ```yaml custom: newRelic: enableIntegration: true ``` #### `logLevel` (optional) Sets a log level on all functions. Possible values: `'fatal'`, `'error'`, `'warn'`, `'info'`, `'debug'`, `'trace'` or `'silent'`. Defaults to `'error'` You can still override log level on a per function basis by configuring environment variable `NEW_RELIC_LOG_LEVEL`. ```yaml custom: newRelic: logLevel: debug ``` Logging configuration is considered in the following order: 1. function `NEW_RELIC_LOG_LEVEL` environment 2. provider `NEW_RELIC_LOG_LEVEL` environment 3. custom newRelic `logLevel` property 4. custom newRelic `debug` flag #### `manualWrapping` (optional) Functions with many dependencies may experience longer cold start times with dynamic wrapping. One possible remediation is to [wrap the function manually[(, and bypass the no-code-change wrapping. If you enable this option, you'll need to `require` (or, for ESM, `import`) the New Relic Node Agent, and wrap the body of your handler function. You would still be able to take advantage of the easy installation of the agent via Lambda Layers, and still have telemetry transported to New Relic via the Lambda Extension. We recommend that you include the New Relic Node Agent as a devDependency for local development, and omit it from the dependencies you deploy. Defaults to `false`. ```yaml custom: newRelic: manualWrapping: true ``` #### `customRolePolicy` (optional) Specify an alternative IAM role policy ARN for this integration here if you do not want to use the default role policy. ```yaml custom: newRelic: customRolePolicy: your-custom-role-policy-arn ``` #### `stages` (optional) An array of stages that the plugin will be included for. If this key is not specified then all stages will be included. ```yaml custom: newRelic: stages: - prod ``` #### `include` (optional) An array of functions to include for automatic wrapping. (You can set `include` or `exclude` options, but not both.) ```yaml custom: newRelic: include: - include-only-func - another-included-func ``` #### `exclude` (optional) An array of functions to exclude from automatic wrapping. (You can set `include` or `exclude` options, but not both.) ```yaml custom: newRelic: exclude: - excluded-func-1 - another-excluded-func ``` #### `layerArn` (optional) Pin to a specific layer version. The latest layer ARN is automatically fetched from the [New Relic Layers API]( ```yaml custom: newRelic: layerArn: arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:451483290750:layer:NewRelicPython37:2 ``` #### `cloudWatchFilter` (optional) Provide a list of quoted filter terms for the CloudWatch log subscription to the newrelic-log-ingestion Lambda. Combines all terms into an OR filter. Defaults to "NR_LAMBDA_MONITORING" if not set. Use "\*" to capture all logs ```yaml custom: newRelic: cloudWatchFilter: - "NR_LAMBDA_MONITORING" - "trace this" - "ERROR" ``` If you want to collect all logs: ```yaml custom: newRelic: cloudWatchFilter: "*" ``` Be sure to set the `LOGGING_ENABLED` environment variable to `true` in your log ingestion function. See the [aws-log-ingestion documentation]( for details. #### `prepend` (optional) Whether or not to prepend the New Relic layer. Defaults to `false` which appends the layer. ```yaml custom: newRelic: prepend: true ``` #### `logIngestionFunctionName` (optional) Only required if your New Relic log ingestion function name is different from `newrelic-log-ingestion`. ```yaml custom: newRelic: logIngestionFunctionName: log-ingestion-service ``` #### `disableAutoSubscription` (optional) Only required if you want to disable auto subscription. ```yaml custom: newRelic: disableAutoSubscription: true ``` #### `disableLicenseKeySecret` (optional) Only required if you want to disable creating license key in AWS Secrets Manager. Setting this as `true` would create NEW_RELIC_LICENSE_KEY environment variable for the New Relic Lambda Extension to access. ```yaml custom: newRelic: disableLicenseKeySecret: true ``` #### `javaNewRelicHandler` (optional) **Java runtimes only**. Only required if you are implementing the `RequestStreamHandler` interface. Defaults to `RequestHandler` interface. #### Accepted inputs: - handleRequest - handleStreamsRequest ```yaml custom: newRelic: javaNewRelicHandler: handleStreamsRequest ``` #### `proxy` (optional) This plugin makes various HTTP requests to public APIs in order to retrieve data about the New Relic and cloud provider accounts. If you are behind a proxy when this plugin runs, the HTTP agent needs the proxy information to connect to those APIs. Use the given URL as a proxy for HTTP requests. ```yaml custom: newRelic: proxy: ``` ## Supported Runtimes This plugin currently supports the following AWS runtimes: - nodejs16.x - nodejs18.x - nodejs20.x - python3.7 - python3.8 - python3.9 - python3.10 - python3.11 - python3.12 - java8.al2 - java11 - java17 - java21 - provided.al2 - provided.al2023 ## Contributing ### Testing 1. Make changes to `examples/nodejs/serverless.yml` based on what you are planning to test 2. Generate a test case by executing script `generate:test:case` ```shell # Example npm run generate:test:case ``` 3. Rename generated file `tests/fixtures/example.service.input.json` to test case e.g. `tests/fixtures/log-level.service.input.json` 4. Create expected output file `tests/fixtures/example.service.output.json` for test case e.g. `tests/fixtures/log-level.service.output.json` 5. Run tests ```shell # Example npm run test ```