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A Simple Python Project Skeleton

This repo attempts to standardize the structure of the Python-based project's repositories using modern Python packaging and configuration techniques. Using this blog post_ as inspiration, this repository serves as the base for all new Python projects and is mergeable in existing repositories as well.

.. _blog post:


A brand new project

.. code-block:: bash

git init my-new-repo
cd my-new-repo
git pull

# Create the new repo on GitHub, then update your remote
git remote set-url origin

From here, you can make the appropriate changes to the files for your specific project.

Update an existing project

.. code-block:: bash

cd my-existing-project
git remote add skeleton
git fetch skeleton
git merge skeleton/main --allow-unrelated-histories

This is also the workflow to use when updating the skeleton files in any given repository.

More usage instructions can be found in docs/skeleton-usage.rst.

Release Notes