is an antivirus app for Nextcloud using ClamAV or Kaspersky.
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Documentation about installing ClamAV and this app can be found in our documentation.
This app can be configured to work with the executable or the daemon mode (recommended :heart:) of ClamAV. If this is used in daemon mode, it can connect through network or local file-socket. In daemon mode, it sends files to a remote/local server using the INSTREAM
When running Kaspersky in HTTP mode the SessionTimeout
will need to be set to a value higher than default, a value of 10 minutes (600000 millisecond) or higher is recommended to properly deal with larger uploads
The app support the ICAP protocol which is a standard supported by various antivirus software products.
Some additional configuration is required depending on the antivirus software used:
Additionally, the Kaspersky scan engine needs some additional configuration:
Using TLS encryption for the ICAP connection is supported, this requires the ICAP server to use a valid certificate. If the certificate isn't signed by a trusted certificate authority, you can import the certificate into Nextcloud's certificate bundle using
occ security:certificates:import /path/to/certificate