nextcloud / photos

📸 Your memories under your control
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
516 stars 59 forks source link

[Bug]: Photos (web) does not display the latest media files scanned by OCC #2506

Closed ncheng89 closed 2 weeks ago

ncheng89 commented 2 weeks ago

⚠️ This issue respects the following points: ⚠️

Bug description

After upgrading to nc28, files not added through the client are scanned through occ

Mobile (ios): The latest scanned media files can be displayed in the media

Web: The latest scanned media files can be seen at url: /apps/files/files

Web: The latest scanned media files cannot be displayed at url: /apps/photos/, only the latest media files uploaded through the client are displayed

There was no such problem in versions before version 28. After upgrading to version 28, this problem was discovered. However, after upgrading some minor versions on version 28, some previously scanned media files can be displayed again. After the upgrade, the latest scanned media files are not displayed. I guess OCC has enabled some settings when upgrading

Steps to reproduce

  1. Upload some media files on the external storage device (not through the nc client)
  2. Scan through occ scan
  3. The web media tag does not display the latest media files
  4. The mobile client will display the latest media files on the media page

Expected behavior

The media content on the web should be consistent with the media content displayed on the client

Installation method

Community Manual installation with Archive

Nextcloud Server version


Operating system


PHP engine version

PHP 8.2

Web server


Database engine version


Is this bug present after an update or on a fresh install?

Upgraded to a MAJOR version (ex. 22 to 23)

Are you using the Nextcloud Server Encryption module?


What user-backends are you using?

Configuration report

    "system": {
        "instanceid": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "passwordsalt": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "secret": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "trusted_domains": [
        "trusted_proxies": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "datadirectory": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "dbtype": "mysql",
        "version": "",
        "overwrite.cli.url": "http:\/\/***.***.com",
        "dbname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "dbhost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "dbport": "",
        "dbtableprefix": "oc_",
        "mysql.utf8mb4": true,
        "dbuser": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "dbpassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "installed": true,
        "default_language": "zh_CN",
        "default_locale": "zh",
        "default_phone_region": "CN",
        "default_timezone": "Asia\/Shanghai",
        "memcache.local": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
        "memcache.distributed": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
        "memcache.locking": "\\OC\\Memcache\\Redis",
        "preview_ffmpeg_path": "\/usr\/bin\/ffmpeg",
        "redis": {
            "host": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
            "port": 6379,
            "timeout": 0,
            "read_timeout": 0
        "enabledPreviewProviders": [
        "loglevel": 2,
        "maintenance": false,
        "mail_smtpmode": "smtp",
        "mail_sendmailmode": "smtp",
        "mail_from_address": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "mail_domain": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "mail_smtpauth": 1,
        "mail_smtphost": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "mail_smtpname": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "mail_smtppassword": "***REMOVED SENSITIVE VALUE***",
        "mail_smtpsecure": "ssl",
        "mail_smtpport": "465",
        "theme": "",
        "app_install_overwrite": [
        "maintenance_window_start": 1

List of activated Apps

  - activity: 2.20.0
  - admin_audit: 1.18.0
  - circles: 28.0.0
  - cloud_federation_api: 1.11.0
  - comments: 1.18.0
  - contactsinteraction: 1.9.0
  - dav: 1.29.1
  - federatedfilesharing: 1.18.0
  - federation: 1.18.0
  - files: 2.0.0
  - files_external: 1.20.0
  - files_pdfviewer: 2.9.0
  - files_reminders: 1.1.0
  - files_sharing: 1.20.0
  - files_trashbin: 1.18.0
  - files_versions: 1.21.0
  - firstrunwizard: 2.17.0
  - logreader: 2.13.0
  - lookup_server_connector: 1.16.0
  - nextcloud_announcements: 1.17.0
  - notifications: 2.16.0
  - oauth2: 1.16.3
  - password_policy: 1.18.0
  - photos: 2.4.0
  - privacy: 1.12.0
  - provisioning_api: 1.18.0
  - recommendations: 2.0.0
  - related_resources: 1.3.0
  - serverinfo: 1.18.0
  - settings: 1.10.1
  - sharebymail: 1.18.0
  - support: 1.11.1
  - survey_client: 1.16.0
  - systemtags: 1.18.0
  - text: 3.9.1
  - theming: 2.3.0
  - twofactor_backupcodes: 1.17.0
  - updatenotification: 1.18.0
  - user_status: 1.8.1
  - viewer: 2.2.0
  - weather_status: 1.8.0
  - workflowengine: 2.10.0
  - bruteforcesettings: 2.8.0 (installed 2.2.0)
  - dashboard: 7.8.0 (installed 7.0.0)
  - encryption: 2.16.0
  - suspicious_login: 6.0.0
  - twofactor_totp: 10.0.0-beta.2
  - user_ldap: 1.19.0

Nextcloud Signing status

No errors have been found.

Nextcloud Logs

No errors have been found.

Additional info

No response

joshtrichards commented 2 weeks ago

Mobile (ios): The latest scanned media files can be displayed in the media


Web: The latest scanned media files can be seen at url: /apps/files/files


Web: The latest scanned media files cannot be displayed at url: /apps/photos/, only the latest media files uploaded through the client are displayed

This is the Photos app. I'll transfer this over there. Not sure why this would be happening offhand.

EDIT: Wait... Yes I do. Photos gets pointed at a specific Media Folder. It's under Photos Settings. It doesn't include every media file in your account by default. So this is expected behavior as of #2319. Multiple directories can also now be added: #2426. And I believe the plan is for mobile to sync up with these settings eventually. Also, I believe you can set it to your root folder, if you prefer the old behavior of "include everything".