nextcloud / photos

📸 Your memories under your control
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
516 stars 59 forks source link
albums favorites gallery hacktoberfest media nextcloud nextcloud-app nextcloud-photos photo-gallery photos picture-gallery pictures slideshow vue vuejs

Nextcloud Photos

REUSE status

📸 Your memories under your control

Work in progress screenshot of Nextcloud Photos App

Why is this so awesome?

🚀 Installation

In your Nextcloud, simply enable the Photos app through the Apps management. The Nextcloud Photos app is included in Nextcloud 18 and higher.

Optional add-ons that make the Photos app even better:

Mobile Photos

Use the Android/iOS App to view your photos. It's possible to auto-upload them.


If you'd like to join, just go through the issues list and fix some!

🏗 Development setup

This app requires the Viewer app to be installed and enabled. Follow its development setup and then continue here.

  1. ☁ Clone this into your apps folder of your Nextcloud.
  2. 👩‍💻 In a terminal, run the command make dev-setup to install the dependencies.
  3. 🏗 Then to build the Javascript whenever you make changes, run make build-js. To create a pull request use make build-js-production. Watch changes with: make watch-js.
  4. ✅ Enable the app through the app management of your Nextcloud.
  5. 🎉 Partytime!
  6. 💻 Fix easily linting issues with npm run lint:fix.