nextdns / blocklists

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Add Hagezi Threat Intelligence Feeds #119

Closed yokoffing closed 4 months ago

yokoffing commented 1 year ago

Hey @romaincointepas,

Thank you for merging a previously popular pull request: By extension, many of us would also like to also have Hagezi's Threat Intelligence Feeds (TIF) to compliment our other blocklists.

Please offer @hagezi's TIF blocklist as an option. Details:

Thanks for your support,

yokoffing Maintainer of NextDNS Config guide

RaggyShaggy commented 1 year ago

Would love to see it.

fynks commented 1 year ago

It would be best

subhajitsaha97 commented 1 year ago

Please consider adding the list.

jimmymcdermott commented 1 year ago

Please add!

hagezi commented 1 year ago

Good luck ;)

mvnixon commented 1 year ago

please add

dartsmaster commented 1 year ago

This would be an excellent addition to the blocklists.

BoDoPs commented 1 year ago

Yes, this would be a great add.

ericafterdark commented 1 year ago

Has my vote!

Spark4000 commented 1 year ago

C`mon NextDNS, make it happen

FookunKlez commented 1 year ago

Yes please

hmbarbosa commented 1 year ago

Awesome job!!!

miltonjsvidal commented 1 year ago

Thanks for this!!

thiendt2k1 commented 1 year ago

Dont even know if they are keeping tab on this whole filter lists topic, i request 3 or 4 different blocklists but none got respond. Shame on NextDNS!

live4swell commented 1 year ago


NanashiTheNameless commented 1 year ago

I would absolutely love this

gautaus commented 1 year ago


adamk1211 commented 1 year ago

Yes please.

wengkitt commented 1 year ago

Please add this blocklist !

jimvajda commented 1 year ago

Pretty please?

Sandbox8888 commented 1 year ago

Please add.

BourbonCrow commented 1 year ago

Please add this

0xvino commented 1 year ago

Nextdns pls add this (I'm a paid nextdns user)

DragonWolf5589 commented 11 months ago

This is one of the top features I would like implementing to next dns.

Even if they can't add this exact list allow us a way to import custom ones so we can do it ourselves!

LunaticBFF57 commented 11 months ago

Been like 6 weeks and no response from dev team?

hagezi commented 11 months ago

Available in AdGuardDNS, ControlD, RethinkDNS and DNSwarden.

live4swell commented 11 months ago

Any idea what NextDNS uses as their source for threat intelligence feeds?

LunaticBFF57 commented 11 months ago

Any idea what NextDNS uses as their source for threat intelligence feeds?

@live4swell, they use "a blend of the most reputable threat intelligence feeds". (Direct quote from website.) It will most likely continue being a secret because of 'trade secrets'.

serqrevp commented 10 months ago

Please add the TIF list.

wengkitt commented 10 months ago

Hey @romaincointepas,

Hope you're doing well! It's been 12 weeks since @yokoffing opened this pull request. Any chance to get it merged? We're all pretty excited about the Hagezi Threat Intelligence Feeds being part of NextDNS.

If there's any hiccup or reason you can't merge it, please let us know. We'd really appreciate it!

Thanks you.

BourbonCrow commented 10 months ago

Hey @romaincointepas,

Hope you're doing well! It's been 12 weeks since @yokoffing opened this pull request. Any chance to get it merged? We're all pretty excited about the Hagezi Threat Intelligence Feeds being part of NextDNS.

If there's any hiccup or reason you can't merge it, please let us know. We'd really appreciate it!

Thanks you.

It has been months since any updates on any of their repositorys. Without any word, I mean sure they have never been good at communicating but posting like 4 words or something on X or whatever social media they prefer letting ppl know what's going on sometimes would be nice. Not asking for a essay, only sign of life at this point haha

LunaticBFF57 commented 10 months ago

Hey @romaincointepas, Hope you're doing well! It's been 12 weeks since @yokoffing opened this pull request. Any chance to get it merged? We're all pretty excited about the Hagezi Threat Intelligence Feeds being part of NextDNS. If there's any hiccup or reason you can't merge it, please let us know. We'd really appreciate it! Thanks you.

It has been months since any updates on any of their repositorys. Without any word, I mean sure they have never been good at communicating but posting like 4 words or something on X or whatever social media they prefer letting ppl know what's going on sometimes would be nice. Not asking for a essay, only sign of life at this point haha

@BourbonCrow, @romaincointepas may be working on DNS0.EU.

PS. They are the founder of that company.

BourbonCrow commented 10 months ago

Hey @romaincointepas, Hope you're doing well! It's been 12 weeks since @yokoffing opened this pull request. Any chance to get it merged? We're all pretty excited about the Hagezi Threat Intelligence Feeds being part of NextDNS. If there's any hiccup or reason you can't merge it, please let us know. We'd really appreciate it! Thanks you.

It has been months since any updates on any of their repositorys. Without any word, I mean sure they have never been good at communicating but posting like 4 words or something on X or whatever social media they prefer letting ppl know what's going on sometimes would be nice. Not asking for a essay, only sign of life at this point haha

@BourbonCrow, @romaincointepas may be working on DNS0.EU.

PS. They are the founder of that company.

You are probably correct about them working on that since it's somewhat new. But a word from em would be nice. Concider NextDNS is a payed service and they prioritize a free service that I'm confused why it even exist. Like whatever dns0 is atm they could have made the free tier of NextDNS I'm confused why it needed a new company and branding doing the same thing even using same software as it states on dns0 site.. That it has been tested with next dns for years

LudnicaKiller commented 9 months ago

Would love to see it 😊

wengkitt commented 8 months ago

Still no response from the dev 💀

LunaticBFF57 commented 8 months ago

Are there any other devs that can commit to this repo?

ittairuf commented 7 months ago

@romaincointepas and @rs please give us an update.

DragonWolf5589 commented 7 months ago

Its no wonder people are moving away/saying nextdns is "abandoned" im thinking if switching to a competitor one of these days and rsetting everything up again if they dont add this or at LEAST show they are active/still supporting nextdns.

(edit: spelling mistake)

BourbonCrow commented 7 months ago

Its no wonder people are moving away/saying nextdns is "abandoned" im thinking if switching to a competitor one of these days and rsetting everything up again if they dont add this or at LEAST show they are active/still supporting nextdns.

(edit: spelling mistake)

I'm annoyed with them being 100% just vanished and dont deal with old issues like removing old out dated filters and removing the outdated filters from their main filter and their list where you add your own domains whitelist and blocklist could be a bit better so you could add multiple domains.. and even like control D to organize in folders would be great with a import export. so I'm currently trying out ControlD a bit while i montitor the situation over at nextdns pros:


wengkitt commented 7 months ago

@BourbonCrow I tried ControlD too, it took some time to get used to their UI. The dev team listens to their customers, and any issues are solved quickly. But, too bad I can't make the switch because I'm living in Asia, and the servers in Asia are quite bad when compared with NextDNS. I hope ControlD can increase and improve their servers in the Asia region.

By the way, if you guys go check out NextDNS other repository, there is still ongoing development, which means they can actually look into the issues in this repository, but they choose to ignore it? I'm not sure.

I wish the NextDNS dev team can have some response to this PR.

BourbonCrow commented 7 months ago

@BourbonCrow I tried ControlD too, it took some time to get used to their UI. The dev team listens to their customers, and any issues are solved quickly. But, too bad I can't make the switch because I'm living in Asia, and the servers in Asia are quite bad when compared with NextDNS. I hope ControlD can increase and improve their servers in the Asia region.

By the way, if you guys go check out NextDNS other repository, there is still ongoing development, which means they can actually look into the issues in this repository, but they choose to ignore it? I'm not sure.

I wish the NextDNS dev team can have some response to this PR.

@wengkitttt sweden ping on controld is like 30~ and nextdns is like..13 cause nextdns got servers in sweden but in for me non of the latencys are noticable cause both are very long, but i hope for you that they add a asian server.

also even if they dont wanna write massive blob posts.. i think next dns ppl could atleast spend... 10 min per month or.. less writing like a 15 word post on twitter or .. whatever social media they prefer just small updates letting us know whats going on. not asking for a essay or anything.. could just be like "We currently busy with dns0 eu so our work with next dns will slow donwn for a while" something simple like that would satesfy me and prolly alot of other ppl as well. cause its better knowing than just wondering forever not knowing anything

nemchik commented 7 months ago does not seem abandoned. I am not sure the status of this repository. It's possible different contributors responsible may not have visibility here vs the other repo that has a little more activity.

ittairuf commented 6 months ago

Hello @rs @romaincointepas, could you please check this?

hagezi commented 6 months ago

@rs @romaincointepas could you at least give feedback to the community? Zero response for months. But it's not that difficult: yes, no, don't know would be enough.

@yokoffing If you don't get any feedback, just close the PR.


unknown4849 commented 6 months ago

and after ±6 month, got the answer.

yokoffing commented 6 months ago

We are only adding blocklists related to privacy, and our TI feeds include only source feeds. Hagezi TIF is an aggregation list that contains most of the same feeds as our TI feeds.

There are over 30 sources plus unique entries used in Hagezi's list that aren't in the NextDNS lists.

``` Multi Light ```

Not to mention, Hagezi removes entries for false positives and dead domains.

wengkitt commented 6 months ago

I'm not an expert in this, but may I ask why it is so hard for them to add the Hagezi TIF list? Is it the format of the list? Or are there any policy issues that are stopping them?

I believe many NextDNS users want this list to be added, and some of their customers are leaving to go for other alternatives that have this list included, like AdGuardDNS, Controld, etc.

DragonWolf5589 commented 6 months ago

Wow an update after 6 months.. Now i know why hagazi removed nextdns as a recommended service and why everyone is moving to adguard and controlD instead as they allow the lists. Guess ill be doing the same after my paid nextdns ends and moving all my friends/family too. Especially as an autistic friend of mine keeps clicking dodgy links. But next dns tif list doesn't include the same protection as hagAzi TIF

DragonWolf5589 commented 6 months ago

I'm not an expert in this, but may I ask why it is so hard for them to add the Hagezi TIF list? Is it the format of the list? Or are there any policy issues that are stopping them?

I believe many NextDNS users want this list to be added, and some of their customers are leaving to go for other alternatives that have this list included, like AdGuardDNS, Controld, etc.

All they said is "we only add privacy lists and use our own TIF"

Seems ill be joining everyone else leaving to another servicr once my paid year is up

live4swell commented 6 months ago

Wow an update after 6 months.. Now inonow what hagazi removed nexydns as a recommended service and why evwryone is moving to adguard and controlD instead. Guess ill be doing the same after my paid nextdns ends and moving all my friends/family too.

Does the service not work as intended? Do you have issues? I think those should be reasons for switching not silence from the company especially when things just work.