nextjournal / markdown

A cross-platform clojure/script parser for Markdown
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Drop default parsing of hashtags and internal links #14

Closed zampino closed 1 year ago

zampino commented 1 year ago

This changes the default behaviour of nextjournal.markdown/parse with respect to custom text tokenization: hashtags e.g #tag and internal links [[link] are not parsed by default any longer. Users can opt-in of them by:

(md/parse (update md.parser/empty-doc :text-tokenizers conj 
          "some [[set]] of [[wiki]] links with #hashtags")
;; => 
{:type :doc,
 :content [{:type :paragraph,
            :content [{:type :text, :text "some "}
                      {:type :internal-link, :text "set"}
                      {:type :text, :text " of "}
                      {:type :internal-link, :text "wiki"}
                      {:type :text, :text " links with "}
                      {:type :hashtag, :text "hashtags"}]}],
 :toc {:type :toc},
 :footnotes []}

See also this notebook.

There has never been an actual agreement, what exactly hashtags and internal links should have linked to, when transformed into hiccup.

We allow to add a predicate to specify in which situation a tokenizer should be applied, see: