nextjournal / markdown

A cross-platform clojure/script parser for Markdown
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clojure clojurescript markdown

nextjournal markdown

Clojars Project Notebooks

A cross-platform clojure library for Markdown parsing and transformation.

🚧 ALPHA status, subject to frequent change. For a richer reading experience read this readme as a clerk notebook.



Try it online.


We adhere to CommonMark Spec and comply with extensions from Github flavoured Markdown. Additionally, we parse $\LaTeX$ formulas (delimited by a $ for inline rendering or $$ for display mode).


(ns hello-markdown
  (:require [nextjournal.markdown :as md]
            [nextjournal.markdown.transform :as md.transform]))

Parsing markdown into an AST:

(def data 
  (md/parse "> et tout autour, la longue cohorte de ses personnages, avec leur histoire, leur passé, leurs légendes:
> 1. PĂ©lage vainqueur d'Alkhamah se faisant couronner Ă  Covadonga
> 2. La cantatrice exilée de Russie suivant Schönberg à Amsterdam
> 3. Le petit chat sourd aux yeux vairons vivant au dernier Ă©tage
> 4. ...

**Georges Perec**, _La Vie mode d'emploi_.

;; =>
{:type :doc,
 :content [{:type :blockquote,
            :content [{:type :paragraph,
                       :content [{:type :text,
                                  :text "et tout autour, la longue cohorte de ses personnage, avec leur histoire, leur passé, leurs légendes:"}]}
                      {:type :numbered-list,
                       :content [{:type :list-item,
                                  :content [{:type :plain,
                                             :content [{:type :text,
                                                        :text "PĂ©lage vainqueur d'Alkhamah se faisant couronner Ă  Covadonga"}]}]}
                                 {:type :list-item,
                                  :content [{:type :plain,
                                             :content [{:type :text,
                                                        :text "La cantatrice exilée de Russie suivant Schönberg à Amsterdam"}]}]}
                                 {:type :list-item,
                                  :content [{:type :plain,
                                             :content [{:type :text,
                                                        :text "Le petit chat sourd aux yeux vairons vivant au dernier Ă©tage"}]}]}]}]}
           {:type :paragraph,
            :content [{:type :strong, :content [{:type :text, :text "Georges Perec"}]}
                      {:type :text, :text ", "}
                      {:type :em, :content [{:type :text, :text "La Vie mode d'emploi"}]}
                      {:type :text, :text "."}]}
           {:type :ruler}]}

and transform that AST into hiccup syntax.

(md.transform/->hiccup data)
;; =>
  [:p "et tout autour, la longue cohorte de ses personnage, avec leur histoire, leur passé, leurs légendes:"]
   [:li [:<> "PĂ©lage vainqueur d'Alkhamah se faisant couronner Ă  Covadonga"]]
   [:li [:<> "La cantatrice exilée de Russie suivant Schönberg à Amsterdam"]]
   [:li [:<> "Le petit chat sourd aux yeux vairons vivant au dernier Ă©tage"]]]]
 [:p [:strong "Georges Perec"] ", " [:em "La Vie mode d'emploi"] "."]

We've built hiccup transformation in for convenience, but the same approach can be used to target more formats.

This library is one of the building blocks of Clerk where it is used for rendering literate fragments.

^{:nextjournal.clerk/viewer 'nextjournal.clerk.viewer/markdown-viewer}

The transformation of markdown node types can be customised like this:

^{:nextjournal.clerk/viewer 'nextjournal.clerk.viewer/html-viewer}
 (assoc md.transform/default-hiccup-renderers
        ;; :doc specify a custom container for the whole doc
        :doc (partial md.transform/into-markup [:div.viewer-markdown])
        ;; :text is funkier when it's zinc toned 
        :text (fn [_ctx node] [:span {:style {:color "#71717a"}} (:text node)])
        ;; :plain fragments might be nice, but paragraphs help when no reagent is at hand
        :plain (partial md.transform/into-markup [:p {:style {:margin-top "-1.2rem"}}])
        ;; :ruler gets to be funky, too
        :ruler (constantly [:hr {:style {:border "2px dashed #71717a"}}]))


We added minimal tooling for extending markdown expressions.