nexusformat / code

NeXus API code and helper applications
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
11 stars 17 forks source link

========================= Installation Instructions


In order to build the Nexus C API the following software has to be installed on the build system

Building the code on Linux

Enabling a physical file formats

By default the NAPI is only built with HDF5 support. You can explicit switch on a particular file format by defining the appropriate CMake variable during configuration

CMake tries then to figure out the locations of the required library binaries and header files. This should work if the library provides a pkg-config file and/or is installed in one of the systems default locations.

If your library is not in a default location you have basically two options.

  1. if the library is installed with a pkg-config file you can add the path to this file to your PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable.
  2. define CMake variables during configuration that point to the appropriate location.

For the second option the following CMake variables are available

================= ======================================== CMake variable Content ================= ======================================== HDF5_INCLUDE_DIRS location of HDF5 header files HDF5_LIBRARY_DIRS location of HDF5 runtime libraries HDF4_INCLUDE_DIRS location of the HDF4 header files HDF4_LIBRARY_DIRS location of the HDF4 runtime libraries MXML_INCLUDE_DIRS location of the MXML header files MXML_LIBRARY_DIRS location of the MXML runtime libraries ================= =======================================

Enable language bindings

The library provides bindings for C++, Fortran 77, and Fortran 90. To enable them set the following variables to one during code configuration

================ =============================== CMAKE variable language bindings ================ =============================== ENABLE_CXX build with C++ bindings ENABLE_FORTRAN77 build with Fortran 77 bindings ENABLE_FORTRAN90 build with Fortran 90 bindings ================ ===============================

Enable applications

Aside with the C-library the NAPI source distribution ships a couple of command line programs to work with NeXus files. These programs are not built by default. In order to include them in the build the ENABLE_APPS variable must be set to ON.

=============== ======================================================= Program Description =============== ======================================================= nxbrowse browse a NeXus file nxdir list the contents of a NeXus file nxconvert convert a NeXus file to whatever? nxtraverse list the contents of a NeXus file nxdump
nxingest nxsummary nxtranslate =============== =======================================================

Building the distribution with these utility applications pulls in some additional build requirements. These are

As one cannot select an individual program to be included in the build, all these build dependencies must be satisified when ENABLE_APPS is set to ON in order for the build to succeed.

Running the build

To build the library and program binaries simply use

.. code-block:: bash

$ mkdir build 
$ cd build
$ cmake -DENABLE_APPS=ON .. # building with tools as example config option
$ make 

from the source directoy. For installation run

.. code-block:: bash

$ make install

This procedure installs the binaries, header files, and the man pages for the programs (if configured to build them). To build the API documentation use

.. code-block:: bash

$ make html
$ make install-html

Building the code on Windows

These instructions will build everything except the applications using LIBXML2 (e.g. nxtranslate)