nexy7574 / nio-bot

Matrix bot library based on matrix-nio, similar in design to
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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bot matrix nio


Making Matrix bots simple

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You can install the latest stable release from PyPi:

pip install nio-bot
# Or for cutting-edge releases:
# pip install --pre nio-bot

You may also want some extras:

Please note that e2ee uses olm, which depends on libolm. You can likely install this though your system package manager.


Nio-Bot is built on the solid client library, matrix-nio. This means that you get the full experience of a Matrix client, with the added benefit of being able to easily create bots.

Nio-Bot comes with a whole host of features to help make your development experience as easy as possible. Some features include, but are not limited to:


You can join our Matrix Room for help, or to just chat. You can also get the latest updates in development there, including having your say in how new things are implemented!

A quick example

# This example was written using version 1.1.0.
import niobot

client = niobot.NioBot(
    # Note that all of these options other than the following are optional:
    # * homeserver
    # * user_id
    # * command_prefix
    homeserver="",  # it is important that you use the matrix server, not the delegation URL
    ignore_self=True  # default is True, set to false to not ignore the bot's own messages

async def on_ready(sync_result: niobot.SyncResponse):
    print("Logged in!")

# A simple command
async def ping(ctx: niobot.Context):
    latency = ctx.latency
    await ctx.respond(f"Pong! {latency:.2f}ms")

# A command with arguments
async def echo(ctx: niobot.Context, *, message: str):
    await ctx.respond("You said: " + message)"...")

Using the CLI to get an access token

If you install the cli extras, you can use niocli to get an access token from a username and password (read this for why you'd want to use an access token):

niocli get-access-token -U '' -D 'my-device-name'

After putting in your password, an access token will be printed to the console once the login is successful.

Further reading

Look at the docs for more information on how to use Nio-Bot, or the examples on github.