nezamy / route

Route - Fast, flexible routing for PHP, enabling you to quickly and easily build RESTful web applications.
MIT License
214 stars 46 forks source link
api php restful-api

Route v2.0

Route - Fast, flexible routing for PHP, enabling you to quickly and easily build RESTful web applications.


$ composer require nezamy/route

Or if you looking for ready template for using this route Go to

Route requires PHP 7.4.0 or newer.

Changes list


Only if using composer create index.php in root.

Create an index.php file with the following contents:

<?php declare(strict_types=1);

define('BASE_PATH', __DIR__ . DS);
//Show errors
ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', '1');
require BASE_PATH.'vendor/autoload.php';
$request = new Just\Http\GlobalRequest;
$response = new Just\Http\Response;
$route = new Just\Routing\Router($request, $response);
// let store them to container, to use them as a singleton
container()->set(Just\Http\Request::class, $request);
container()->set(Just\Http\Response::class, $response);
container()->set(Just\Routing\Router::class, $route);

try {
    include 'app/routes.php';
    $output = $route->run();

    foreach ($output->headers->all() as $k => $v) {
        header("$k: $v");
    if ($output->hasRedirect()) {
        list($url, $code) = $output->getRedirect();
        header("Location: $url", true, $code);

} catch (\Error $e) {
    pre($e, 'Error', 6);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    pre($e, 'Exception', 6);

echo response()->body();


use Just\Route;

Route::get('/', function (){
    return 'Welcome to the home page';

// Maybe you want to customize 404 page
Route::setNotfound(function (){
    return 'Page Not found';

Use with Swoole


use Swoole\Http\Server;
use Swoole\Http\Request;
use Swoole\Http\Response;

use Just\Routing\Router;

ini_set('display_errors', '1');
ini_set('display_startup_errors', '1');

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

$http = new Server("", 9501);
    'document_root' => '/var/www/public',
    'enable_static_handler' => true,
$http->on("request", function (Request $request, Response $response) {

    $request = new Just\Http\Request(
       $request->header ?? [],
       $request->server ?? [],
       $request->cookie ?? [],
       $request->get ?? [],
       $request->post ?? [],
       $request->files ?? [],
       $request->tmpfiles ?? []
    $response = new Just\Http\Response;
    $route = new Just\Routing\Router($request, $response);
    container()->set(Just\Http\Request::class, $request);
    container()->set(Just\Http\Response::class, $response);
    container()->set(Router::class, $route);
    try {
        include __DIR__ .'/app/routes.php';
        $output = $route->run();
        foreach ($output->headers->all() as $k => $v) {
            $response->header($k, $v);


        if ($output->hasRedirect()) {
            list($url, $code) = $output->getRedirect();
            $response->redirect($url, $code);
    } catch (\Error $e) {
        pre($e, 'Error', 6);
    } catch (\Exception $e) {
        pre($e, 'Exception', 6);

How it works

Routing is done by matching a URL pattern with a callback function.


Route::any('/', function() {
    return 'Hello World';

Route::post('/contact-us', function(\Just\Http\Request $req) {
    pre($req->body, 'Request');

The callback can be any object that is callable. So you can use a regular function:

function pages() {
    return 'Page Content';
Route::get('/', 'pages');

Or a class method:

class home
    public function pages() {
        return 'Home page Content';
Route::get('/', [home::class, 'pages']);
// OR
Route::get('/', 'home@pages');

Method Routing

Route::any('/', function() {});
Route::get('/', function() {});
Route::post('/', function() {});
Route::put('/', function() {});
Route::patch('/', function() {});
Route::option('/', function() {});
Route::delete('/', function() {});


// This example will match any page name
Route::get('/{page}', function($page) {
    return "you are in $page";

Route::get('/post/{id}', function($id) {
    // Will match anything like post/hello or post/5 ...
    // But not match /post/5/title
    return "post id $id";

// more than parameters
Route::get('/post/{id}/{title}', function($id, $title) {
    return "post id $id and title $title";

// you can get parameter in any order
Route::get('/post/{id}/{title}', function($title, $id) {
    return "post id $id and title $title";

For “unlimited” optional parameters, you can do this:

// This example will match anything after blog/ - unlimited arguments
Route::get('/blog/{any}:*', function($any) {

Regular Expressions

You can validate the args by regular expressions.

// Validate args by regular expressions uses :(your pattern here)
function($username, $id) {
    return "author $username post id $id";

// You can add named regex pattern in routes
    'username' => '([0-9a-z_.-]+)',
    'id' => '([0-9]+)'

// Now you can use named regex
Route::get('/{username}:username/post/{id}:id', function($username, $id) {
    return "author $username post id $id";
//if the parameter name match the placeholder name just ignore placeholder and route will deduct that
Route::get('/{username}/post/{id}', function($username, $id) {
    return "author $username post id $id";

Some named regex patterns already registered in routes

    'int'               => '/([0-9]+)',
    'multiInt'          => '/([0-9,]+)',
    'title'             => '/([a-z_-]+)',
    'key'               => '/([a-z0-9_]+)',
    'multiKey'          => '/([a-z0-9_,]+)',
    'isoCode2'          => '/([a-z]{2})',
    'isoCode3'          => '/([a-z]{3})',
    'multiIsoCode2'     => '/([a-z,]{2,})',
    'multiIsoCode3'     => '/([a-z,]{3,})'

Optional parameters

You can specify named parameters that are optional for matching by adding (?)

function($title, $date) {
    $content = '';
    if ($title) {
        $content = "<h1>$title</h1>";
        $content =  "<h1>Posts List</h1>";

    if ($date) {
        $content .= "<small>Published $date</small>";
    return $content;



Route::group('/admin', function()
    // /admin/
    Route::get('/', function() {});
    // /admin/settings
    Route::get('/settings', function() {});
    // nested group
    Route::group('/users', function()
        // /admin/users
        Route::get('/', function() {});
        // /admin/users/add
        Route::get('/add', function() {});
    // Anything else
    Route::any('/{any}:*', function($any) {
        pre("Page ( $any ) Not Found", 6);

Groups with parameters

Route::group('/{module}', function($lang)
    Route::post('/create', function() {});
    Route::put('/update', function() {});


// the first language is the default i.e. ar
// when you hit the site http://localhost on the first time will redirect to  http://localhost/ar
Route::locale(['ar','en'], function(){
    // will be /ar/
    Route::get('/', function($locale){
        //get current language
    // /ar/contact
    Route::get('/contact', function() {});

    Route::group('/blog', function() {
        // /ar/blog/
        Route::get('/', function() {});
// Also you can write locales like that or whatever you want
Route::locale(['ar-eg','en-us'], function(){
    // will be /ar/
    Route::get('/', function($locale){
        //get current language
        list($lang, $country) = explode('-', $locale, 2);
        pre("Lang is $lang, Country is $country");



$auth = new \Just\Http\Auth\Basic(['users' => [
    'user1' => '123456',
    'user2' => '987654'
Route::auth($auth, function (){
    Route::get('/secret', function(\Just\Http\Request $req){
        pre("Hello {$req->user()->get('username')}, this is a secret page");


$auth = new \Just\Http\Auth\Digest(['users' => [
    'user1' => '123456',
    'user2' => '987654'
Route::auth($auth, function (){
    Route::get('/secret', function(\Just\Http\Request $req){
        pre("Hello {$req->user()->get('username')}, this is a secret page");



Route::use(function (\Just\Http\Request $req, $next){
    //validate something the call next to continue or return whatever if you want break 
        return 'Please open from a desktop';

    return $next();
}, function ($next){
    // another middleware

// After 
Route::use(function ($next){
    $response =  $next();
    // make some action
    return $response;

Middleware on groups

// if open from mobile device
Route::middleware(fn(\Just\Http\Request $req, $next) => !$req->isMobile() ? '' : $next())
    ->group('/mobile-only', function (){
        Route::get('/', function(\Just\Http\Request $req){

If you make the middleware as a class, you can pass the class with namespace. the class should be had a handle method.

class MobileOnly{
    public function handle(\Just\Http\Request $req, $next){
        return !$req->isMobile() ? '' : $next();
    ->group('/',function (){
        Route::get('/', function(\Just\Http\Request $req){

Middleware on route

Route::get('/', function(\Just\Http\Request $req){

Dependency injection

To learn about Dependency injection and service container please visit this link

Handle and Parser customization

Example of CustomRouteHandler

class CustomRouteHandler implements Just\Routing\RouteHandlerInterface
    public function call(callable $handler, array $args = [])
        return call_user_func_array($handler, $args);

    public function parse($handler): callable
        if (is_string($handler) && ! function_exists($handler)) {
            $handler = explode('@', $handler, 2);
        return $handler;
\Just\Route::setHandler(new CustomRouteHandler);
class CustomRouteParser implements RouteParserInterface
    public function parse(string $uri): array
        $matchedParameter = [];
        $matchedPattern = [];
        $result = [];
        // parse uri here and return array of 3 elements
        // /{page}
        // /{page}?

        return ['parameters' => $matchedParameter, 'patterns' => $matchedPattern, 'result' => $result];
\Just\Route::setParser(new CustomRouteParser);