nf-osi / kairos

kairos: NF Analysis Explorer
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experimental Travis build

The goal of kairos is to …


You can install the latest version of kairos from with:



This project is using golem, a principled framework for building Shiny apps. Read more about golem here. The rtask blog posts and getting started articles are particularly helpful. In brief, golem treats a shiny app as an R package. Each component of the app should be built as a module (instantiated with golem::add_module(). Each module should represent a single chunk of the app, for example, a panel for selecting data, or a plot of a dataset. Add packages as you would with a typical R package: usethis::use_package(<package>) to add the package to DESCRIPTION file, and then explicitly referencing the package when using functions (eg. purrr::pluck()). Run the script in dev/run_dev.R to run the app locally.

Please PR in digestible chunks - 1 or 2 modules per PR, maximum. Please PR against the develop branch.