nfdi4cat / repo4cat

NFDI4Cat Central Data Repository
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NFDI4Cat Central Data Repository (Repo4Cat)

Welcome to NFDI4Cat Central Data Repository, a platform dedicated to facilitating the storage, organization, and sharing of research data from catalysis science.

Below you can find the most important information about this repository.

Do you have some nice idea or we have to make something better? Please create an issue and let us know!

Repo4Cat - Let`s collect our Catalysis data together!

Useful links


Create a personal account:

Permissions and access rights:

In Dataverse (the repository software) permissions are controlled at the "dataverse collections" level. Note, a "dataverse collection" (often just called a "dataverse") is a folder-like structure that can store one or more datasets (which in turn contain the files to share). A dataverse can also contain other dataverses (for more, see useful links above).

Internal structure: dataverses & datasets

The NFDI4Cat Central Data Repository comes with a pre-defined internal structure. It includes a few top-level dataverses which can be further extended by the users with (sub-)dataverses.

The structure is the following:

1. Projects

  1. Scope of work: area for collaboration in projects that involve multiple institutions.
  2. Creation of the project: access to this dataverse must be requested from administrators (write a short message with the project name via "Contact" button there: . Administartors will create a new dataverse "Your Project Name" with the identifier (URL) ".../project-your-project-name" and will set one person as a local administrator there (via special group, see "User groups" below ). This person will manage after that the access rights for this specific dataverse - who can access, what will be allowed to do, etc. (via "Edit -> Permissions" buttons).
  3. User groups: every project must have specific user groups, which are administrated by local administrators of this dataverse (==project). Naming for the user groups - must be created from the prefix "ug-prj-", group name and related role, like "ug-prj-your-project-name-admin" and "ug-prj-your-project-name-curator" with related permissions. The first group "...-admin" will be created by the repository main administrators (Support team) and one person will be added to this group - the person, who has asked about the new project. More detailed information about avaialble roles and permissions you can find above under useful links.
  4. New users: will be managed by the local administrators of the project (user group "ug-prj-your-project-name-admin") via specific user groups like "ug-prj-your-project-name-curator" for curators or user groups with other roles (see "User groups" above).
  5. Access rights: will be managed by the local administrators of the project (user group "ug-prj-your-project-name-admin") via specific user groups (see "User groups" above).

Example: ...

2. Organizations

  1. Scope of work: area for internal collaboration within one organizations, e.g. some institution.
  2. Creation of the organization: see projects above. Access to this dataverse must be requested from administrators. Naming of identifier (URL) ".../organization-your-organization-name".
  3. User groups: see projects above. Naming for the organizational user groups - must be created from the prefix "ug-org-", organization name and related role, like "ug-org-your-organization-name-admin" and "ug-org-your-organization-name-curator" with related permissions.
  4. New users: see projects above using specific user group prefix for organizations.
  5. Access rights: see projects above using specific user group prefix for organizations.

Example: ...

3. Personal dataverses

  1. Scope of work: area to store user's personal dataverses to work alone or in cooperation with colleagues.
  2. Creation of the dataverse: every user can create own dataverse. Please create your personal dataverse with an identifier as "name-surname" (with a minus "-" sign, it will be used in URL). Name of your dataverse can be flexible, e.g. "Name Surname".
  3. User groups: user who has created a personal dataverse is automatically an administrator of this dataverse and that's why can create custom user groups inside of this dataverse or just invite other users without group creation. Naming of user groups is free, but is better to use some naming system like e.g. in projects above.
  4. New users: every user account has access to this area, no specific creations are needed.
  5. Access rights: same access rights for every user with the role "Dataverse Creator".

Example: ...

4. Single publications

  1. Scope of work: area for single publications (datasets), available for every researcher independent from the project or organization. Important: only datasets can be created here!
  2. Creation of the publication: every user can create own "dataset" as a separate publication.
  3. User groups: no user groups needed. Roles are same for every user - possibility to create own "dataset" (publication).
  4. New users: every user account has access to this area, no specific creations are needed.
  5. Access rights: same access rights for every user with the role "Dataset Creator".

Example: ...