Create a SVG font from several SVG icons
You can test this library with the frontend generator.
First, install gulp-svgicons2svgfont
as a development dependency:
npm install --save-dev gulp-svgicons2svgfont
Then, add it to your gulpfile.js
import { svgicons2svgfont } from 'gulp-svgicons2svgfont';
gulp.task('Iconfont', () => {
svgicons2svgfont(['assets/icons/*.svg'], {
fontName: 'myfont',
.on('glyphs', function (glyphs) {
// Here generate CSS/SCSS for your glyphs ...
Every icon must be prefixed with it's codepoint. The prependUnicode
allows to do it automatically. Then, in your own CSS, you just have to use the
corresponding codepoint to display your icon. See this
sample less mixin
for a real world usage.
The plugin stream emits a codepoints
event letting you do whatever you want
with them.
Please report icons to font issues to the svgicons2svgfont repository on wich this plugin depends. Note this Gulp plugin is strictly equivalent to the above module CLI interface.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
Allow to prepend unicode codepoints to icon file names in order to always keep the same codepoints accross each run.
Type: String
Default value: options.fontName
Allows to specify a fileName if needed it to be different from the fontName, eg. do not want to have spaces.
Type: integer
Default value: 0xEA01
Starting codepoint used for the generated glyphs. Defaults to a region within the Unicode private use area which is currently unused. See this blog post for further details and additional suggestions regarding accessibility of icon fonts.
Type: Function
Default value:
Allows to define your own logic to attach codepoints to input files.
The svgfont2svgicons options are also available:
You may look after a full Gulp web font workflow, see gulp-iconfont fot that matter.
Feel free to push your code if you agree with publishing under the MIT license.