ng-Classic / ng-classic

MIT License
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Angular Classic (NG Classic)

Angular Classic is a divergent version of Angular 16 that focuses on improving Developer Experience (DX), enhancing the compiler, and adding improved RXJS support, all while preserving Angular's unique identity.

Our Philosophy

We have immense respect and appreciation for the contributions to Angular, both past and present. However, we believe that modernization and improvements don't mean losing the identity of Angular. We love the way Angular does things differently, and we aim to preserve that uniqueness while exploring new ways to enhance the developer experience.

Why Angular Classic?

In a world where many frameworks are starting to look similar, we believe in the power of diversity. We want Angular to continue its unique approach, rather than incorporating syntax and features from other frameworks. While we believe in sharing features and drawing inspiration from other frameworks, including Google Angular, we are committed to preserving Angular's distinct identity.


For Angular Classic projects, we recommend using Nx. Nx offers all the benefits of Angular CLI, such as migration and schematics, without us having to maintain a separate CLI. You can use Nx with Angular Classic either as a standalone application or as an integrated repository.


Get started with Angular, learn the fundamentals and explore advanced topics on our documentation website.


Development Setup

Coming soon


Get started in 5 minutes.


Learn about the latest improvements.


Check out our upgrade guide to find out the best way to upgrade your project.


Contributing Guidelines

Angular Classic is an open-source project, and we welcome contributions from the community.

If you're interested in contributing, please read our contributing guidelines to learn about our submission process, coding rules, and more.

Want to Help?

Want to report a bug, contribute some code, or improve the documentation? Excellent! Read up on our guidelines for contributing and then check out one of our issues labeled as help wanted or good first issue.

Community (Coming soon)

Our goal with Angular Classic is to grow an organic community that cherishes the original identity of Angular and is free from corporate pressures. We aim to serve the wider community and enterprise consumers with an innovative and thoughtful approach. We welcome contributions from all who share this vision.

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