ng2plus / web-storage

🏦 Ultimate web storage for Angular2 with reach API and test coverage
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Ultimate web storage for Angular2


(1) broadcasting is available via BroadcastChannel API. You have to make sure that your target platform supports the API in order to use this feature. You also can include polyfill that adds BroadcastChannel function to window. If BroadcastChannel is not supported by the platform and there is no polyfill fot that then notifications broadcasting will be disabled.

Demo time!


npm install @ng2plus/web-storage

After installation UMD-style modules will be available too:



You should manually shim ES6 (es2015) features such as Promise, startsWith and also ES7 (es2016) feature includes.


Include WebStorageService and its config in your root module.

import {
} from '@ng2plus/web-storage';

  declarations: [...WEB_STORAGE_DECLARATIONS],
  providers: [
    {provide: WEB_STORAGE_SERVICE_CONFIG, useValue: webStorageConfigDefault}
export class AppModule {}

Advanced Setup

You can change WebStorage's setting by providing custom configuration object.

import {
} from '@ng2plus/web-storage';

const webStorageConfig = {
  prefix: 'ng2plus'

  providers   : [
    {provide: WEB_STORAGE_SERVICE_CONFIG, useValue: webStorageConfig}
export class AppModule {}

It's not necessarily to provide all the options. For those which are missing will be set default values.

Configuration object

Through the configuration object you can customize storage's behavior. Below you can find its structure and default values.

  prefix: '__',
  provider: 'localStorage',
  notifyOn: {
    set: true,
    get: true,
    remove: true,
    removeAll: true

See WebStorageConfig interface for details

WebStorageConfig can be exported


prefix: string = '__'

Prefix that will be added to each key of stored value to avoid name collisions.


provider: string = 'localStorage'

Name of used storage provider. There are two embedded providers: localStorage and sessionStorage. But you can easily add a custom one (find more in API description).


notifyOn: <NotifyOptions> = {
set: true,
get: true,
remove: true,
removeAll: true

See NotifyOptions interface for details

NotifyOptions can be exported


Now you can use it inside your Angular2 application.

import {WebStorageService} from '@ng2plus/web-storage';

  template: '\u2764 {{'favorite_framework' | webStorage}}'
export class FavoriteFramework {
  constructor(private webStorage: WebStorageService) {
    webStorage.set('favorite_framework', 'Angular2!');
    console.log(webStorage.get('favorite_framework')); // Angular2!




set(key: string, item: any, replacer?: KeyValIterator\<any>): WebStorageService

Put an item to the storage under a key name

Chainable. Returns WebStorageService itself.


Return an item from the storage by a key name.

get\<T>(key: string, defaultVal: any|KeyValIterator\<any> = null): T

Returns stored value.


Return and remove an item from the storage by a key name.

pull\<T>(key: string, defaultVal?: any | KeyValIterator\<any>): T

Returns stored value and removes it from the storage.

StorageDictionary interface can be exported


Check if an item exists in the in storage under a key name.

has(key: string): boolean

Returns true if value exists, elsewhere - false.


Get all keys in storage (only keys for current prefix will be returned).

keys(): string[]

Returns an array of keys.

Storage provider should be iterable.


Get all pairs key => value in storage (only pairs for current prefix will be returned).

getAll(): StorageDictionary

Returns an array of objects representing values in the storage.

StorageDictionary interface can be exported


Iterates over the items in the storage (only pairs for current prefix will be iterated).

forEach(fn: (item: any, key: string) => void, defaultVal?: any): WebStorageService

Chainable. Returns WebStorageService itself.

Storage provider should be iterable.


Delete item from the storage.

remove\<T>(key: string): T

Returns removed item.


Deletes all the items from the storage (only item for current prefix will be deleted).

removeAll(): WebStorageService

Chainable. Returns WebStorageService itself.


Updates current storage instance with the configuration object.

setup(config: WebStorageConfig): WebStorageService

Chainable. Returns WebStorageService itself.

WebStorageConfig interface can be exported


Add a custom storage provider. It should implement StorageProvider interface in order to work properly.

addProvider(name: string, value: StorageProvider, useIt?: boolean): WebStorageService

Chainable. Returns WebStorageService itself.

See StorageProvider interface for details

StorageProvider can be exported


Use specific storage provider.

useProvider(providerName: string | DefaultWebStorageProvider): WebStorageService

Chainable. Returns WebStorageService itself.



length: number

Returns number of items in the storage (only items for current prefix are counted)


Represents "promised" API that is easy to use chaining promises. All of methods are fallbacks to origins, e.g. asPromise.set === set but in some cases the arguments order is different.

asPromise: {
set: (key: string, replacer?: KeyValIterator<any>) => (item: any) => Promise<any>;
get: <T>(key: string, defaultVal?: any) => () => Promise<T>;
remove: <T>(key: string) => () => Promise<T>;
removeAll: () => () => Promise<WebStorageService>;
pull: <T>(key: string, defaultVal?: any) => () => Promise<T>;
keys: () => () => Promise<string[]>;
getAll: () => () => Promise<StorageDictionary>;

The main idea of usage in promise chains, compare #1 and #2:

// #1
  .then(val => {
    webStorage.set('name', val);

    return val;
  .then(val => console.log(webStorage.get('name') === val));

// #2
  .then(webStorage.asPromise.set('name')) // falls down previous value
  .then(val => console.log(webStorage.get('name') === val));

In the example above it's clear that the first case is too verbose and requires to write extra callback. asPromise interface tries to solve this by wrapping default methods into first class functions which return a promise.

Thus webStorage.asPromise.set('name') returns a function that returns a promise. We can re-write it into 3 steps to simplify understanding:

// step 1
  .then(val => {
    const setAsPromise = webStorage.asPromise.set('name');

    return setAsPromise(val);
  .then(val => console.log(webStorage.get('name') === val));

// step 2
  .then(val => webStorage.asPromise.set('name')(val))
  .then(val => console.log(webStorage.get('name') === val));

// step 3
  .then(val => console.log(webStorage.get('name') === val));



Emits events when an internal error occurs or item can't be set or retrieve from storage.

onError: ReplaySubject\<number>


Emits event when item is put to storage. Triggers only when notifyOn.set option is true.

onSet: Subject\<WebStorageEventItem>

See WebStorageEventItem interface for details

WebStorageEventItem can be exported


Emits event when item is put to storage. Triggers only when notifyOn.get option is true.

onGet: Subject\<WebStorageEventItem>

See WebStorageEventItem interface for details

WebStorageEventItem can be exported


Emits event when item is removed from storage. Triggers only when notifyOn.onRemove option is true.

onRemove: Subject\<WebStorageEventItem>

See WebStorageEventItem interface for details

WebStorageEventItem can be exported


Emits event when removeAll method is called. Triggers only when notifyOn.onRemoveAll option is true.

onRemoveAll: Subject\<number>

Emits number of removed items.


Works similar to StorageEvent. When one of events (set, get or removeAll) is happen (depends on notifyOn configuration) the message is broadcasted to browsing contexts within the same origin.

onMessage: Subject\<WebStorageEvent>

This feature requires BroadcastChannel API support or at least a polyfill

See WebStorageEvent interface for details

WebStorageEvent can be exported

Advanced Usage


Thanks to the asPromise interface you can mix call to storage methods with observables:

  .map(result => console.log(webStorage.get('name') === result));

Custom Providers

With help on addProvider method you can add custom storage implementation. Let's implement simple in memory key-value storage.

First of all a provider should implement StorageProvider interface which requires to implement two methods: get and validate. get method is used to retrieve an instance of provider and validate method is used to check if the provider is available in current context (it calls only once, each time when useProvider is called or the 3rd parameter of addProvider method is true).

Method get has to return an instance of class which implements WebStorage interface.

import {WebStorage} from '@ng2plus/web-storage';

// util decorator
function hidden(target, key) {
  Object.defineProperty(target, key, {
    enumerable: false,
    writable: true,
    value: {}

// define custom storage which implements `WebStorage` interface
class CustomStorage implements WebStorage {
  @hidden reserved = {};

  get length(): number {
    let count = -1;

    for (let i in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) ++count;

    return count;

  clear(): void {
    for (let i in this) this.removeItem(i);

  getItem(key: string): any {
    return (this.isReserved(key) ? this.reserved[key] : this[key]) || null

  key(index: number): string {
    let d = 0;
    let found = '';

    for (let i in Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this)) {
      if (d === index) {
        found = this[i];


    return found || null;

  removeItem(key: string): void {
    delete (this.isReserved(key) ? this.reserved : this)[key];

  setItem(key: string, data: string): void {
    if (this.isReserved(key)) {
      this.reserved[key] = data;
    } else {
      this[key] = data;

  private isReserved(key) {
    return ['reserved', 'length', 'key'].includes(key);

  [index: number]: string;

// implement provider for `CustomStorage`
class CustomStorageProvider implements StorageProvider {
  private storage: CustomStorage = new CustomStorage();

  get(): WebStorage {

  validate(): Observable<WebStorage> {
    return new Observable<WebStorage>(observer => {
      if (1 > 2) { // you can specify any kind of check you want
        observer.error(`CustomStorage provider is not available`);

  // if you don't need any kind of validation, just return provider
  validate(): Observable<WebStorage> {
    return Observable.of(this.get());

// finally, register and use new provider
storage.addProvider('customProvider', new CustomStorageProvider(), true);