ngParty / soos

Container driven development
ISC License
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Docker driven development

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Why another strange named thingy? Why?

Because npm install is slow and I mean terribly slow when you try to use it properly with Docker for development.

Which means that you should run npm install every time you will create Docker container, or change branch, to have truly clean environment. When you have Docker images with node_modules baked in, you can skip this step and avoid all npm install issues. Only tricky part is how to build and run these images and how to mark them, so you, fellow developers and ci servers can reuse them.

Using Soos will simplify all of that, apart from building image it will also allow you to run image with right node_modules with single command in miliseconds. As a bonus you are forced into Docker driven development, which is speeding up onboarding and preventing issues caused by different environment setup.

What it does then?

Soos will do following

!!! Setup Docker Mac or Docker Windows on your machine first !!!


$ npm i soos -g


Your/Project $ soos -i

Build docker image

Your/Project $ soos -b

Push/Publish docker image to Docker Hub

Your/Project $ soos -P

Start docker container with npm install

Your/Project $ soos

Start docker container

with bash shell and with forwarded port 8080

Your/Project $ soos -c bash -p 8080


Your/Project $ soos -s -p 8080

Usage: soos [options]

  --init, -i     add dockerfile                                        [boolean]
  --build, -b    build docker image                                    [boolean]
  --push, -P     push docker image                                     [boolean]
  --command, -c  command to run inside of docker                         [array]
  --shell, -s    run bash command inside of docker                     [boolean]
  --port, -p     port forwarding                                        [string]
  --help, -h     Show help                                             [boolean]

  soos -i && soos -b && soos -c bash  Will build docker image and then start
                                      docker machine with bash