ngblaylock / scoresheet

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Scoresheet App

Scoresheet is designed and maintained by Nathan Blaylock. It's primary purpose was primarily to learn Svelte/SvelteKit and Tailwind while creating an app that would actually be used by friends and family.

The purpose of this app is to do the math for each scoring round during a card game. It is designed to be as general purpose as possible. The app is designed for mobile devices and can be "installed" by creating a shortcut on your device home screen.

To open the app, visit


Once you've run npm install start a development server:

npm run dev
# Use the Network option to view it on your phone

# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
npm run dev -- --open


  1. Test the app in dev mode.
  2. Make sure to update the version in package.json.
  3. Run npm run build which will build to the docs directory.
  4. Run npm run preview to test the app in production mode.
  5. Commit with the message v1.x.x; x is the next number.
  6. Push to the remote repo.
  7. Merge in to the master branch.
  8. In GitHub create a new release and tag with the version number; v1.x.x.
  9. Close the issue in GitHub.