nglcobdai / nglcobdai-utils

This is a utility library for Python.
MIT License
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This is a utility library for Python.

Environment Python Poetry
Technology Slack SDK



1. Edit pyproject.toml file

Add the following to your pyproject.toml file.

nglcobdai-utils = {git = "", tag = "v0.1.0"}

2. Install the package

Then run the following command.

$ poetry lock


Required libraries are as follows.
Refer to the pyproject.toml file for the latest version.

Library Version
pydantic ^1.8.2
python ^3.10
pydantic-settings ^2.4.0
pytz ^2024.1
pyyaml ^6.0.2
slack-sdk ^3.32.0



Settings class is a utility class that reads the settings from the .env file.

1. Create a .env file in the root directory of your project.

2. Add the following settings to the .env file.


3. Use the Settings class to read the settings.

from nglcobdai_utils import Settings
settings = Settings()


Logger class is a utility class that creates a logger object.
log_file is optional. If you want to log to a file, you can specify the file path.

Use the Logger class to create a logger object.

from nglcobdai_utils import get_logger

logger = get_logger(name=__name__, log_file="app.log")
logger.debug('This is a debug message.')'This is an info message.')
logger.warning('This is a warning message.')
logger.error('This is an error message.')

app.log will be created in the root directory of your project.


Slack class is a utility class that sends messages to Slack.

1. Set up the Slack App

Refer to the how to create a Slack App for more information.

2. Use the Slack class to send messages to Slack.

token is the Bot User OAuth Access Token that you got when you created a Slack App.

from nglcobdai_utils import Slack

slack = Slack(token="xoxb-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx")
slack.post_text(channel="general", text="Hello, World!")    # Send a text message
slack.post_file(channel="general", files=[{"file": "", "title": ""}]) # Send a file