ngneat / cashew

🐿 A flexible and straightforward library that caches HTTP requests in Angular
MIT License
682 stars 33 forks source link
angular-http cache http http-cache

Caching is nut a problem!

@ngneat/cashew [MIT]() [coc-badge]() [commitizen]() [PRs]() styled with prettier All Contributors ngneat


✅ HTTP Caching
✅ State Management Mode
✅ Local Storage Support
✅ Handles Simultaneous Requests
✅ Automatic & Manual Cache Busting
✅ Hackable

A flexible and straightforward library that caches HTTP requests in Angular


$ npm install @ngneat/cashew


Use the provideHttpCache provider along with withHttpCacheInterceptor in your application providers:

import { provideHttpCache, withHttpCacheInterceptor } from '@ngneat/cashew';

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [provideHttpClient(withInterceptors([withHttpCacheInterceptor()])), provideHttpCache()]

And you're done! Now, when using Angular HttpClient, you can pass the withCache function as context, and it'll cache the response:

import { withCache } from '@ngneat/cashew';

export class UsersService {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  getUsers() {
    return this.http.get('api/users', {
      context: withCache()

It's as simple as that.

State Management Mode

When working with state management like Akita or ngrx, there is no need to save the data both in the cache and in the store because the store is the single source of truth. In such a case, the only thing we want is an indication of whether the data is in the cache.

We can change the mode option to stateManagement:

import { withCache } from '@ngneat/cashew';

export class UsersService {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  getUsers() {
    return this.http.get('api/users', {
      context: withCache({
        mode: 'stateManagement'

Now instead of saving the actual response in the cache, it'll save a boolean and will return by default an EMPTY observable when the boolean resolves to true. You can change the returned source by using the returnSource option.

Local Storage

By default, caching is done to app memory. To switch to using local storage instead simply add:

import { provideHttpCache, withHttpCacheInterceptor, provideHttpCacheLocalStorageStrategy } from '@ngneat/cashew';

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [

To your providers list. Note that ttl will also be calculated via local storage in this instance.


When working with localstorage, it's recommended to add a version:

import { withCache } from '@ngneat/cashew';

export class UsersService {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  getUsers() {
    return this.http.get('api/users', {
      context: withCache({
        version: 'v1',
        key: 'users'

When you have a breaking change, change the version, and it'll delete the current cache automatically.

Config Options

Using the library, you might need to change the default behavior of the caching mechanism. You could do that by passing a configuration to the provideHttpCache function:

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [provideHttpClient(withInterceptors([withHttpCacheInterceptor()])), provideHttpCache(config)]

Let's go over each of the configuration options:


Defines the caching behavior. The library supports two different strategies:

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [
    provideHttpCache({ strategy: 'implicit' })


Define the cache TTL (time to live) in milliseconds: (defaults to one hour)

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [provideHttpClient(withInterceptors([withHttpCacheInterceptor()])), provideHttpCache({ ttl: number })]


By default, the registry returns the original response object. It can be dangerous if, for some reason, you mutate it. To change this behavior, you can clone the response before getting it:

bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
  providers: [
      responseSerializer(body) {
        return cloneDeep(body);



Currently, there is no way in Angular to pass metadata to an interceptor. The withCache function uses the params object to pass the config and removes it afterward in the interceptor. The function receives four optional params that are postfixed with a $ sign so it'll not conflicts with others:

import { requestDataChanged, withCache } from '@ngneat/cashew';

export class UsersService {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  getUsers() {
    return this.http.get('api/users', {
      context: withCache({
        withCache: false,
        ttl: 40000,
        key: 'users',
        clearCachePredicate: requestDataChanged

When you need to call another function that returns an HttpContext, you can provide the context option.

import { withCache } from '@ngneat/cashew';
import { withLoadingSpinner } from '@another/library'; // <-- function that returns an HttpContext

export class TodosService {
  constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

  getTodos() {
    return this.http.get('api/todos', {
      context: withCache({
        context: withLoadingSpinner()


The CacheManager provider, exposes an API to update and query the cache registry:


CacheBucket can be useful when we need to buffer multiple requests and invalidate them at some point. For example:

import { withCache, CacheBucket } from '@ngneat/cashew';

export class TodosService {
  todosBucket = new CacheBucket();

    private http: HttpClient,
    private manager: HttpCacheManager
  ) {}

  getTodo(id) {
    return this.http.get(`todos/${id}`, {
      context: withCache({
        bucket: this.todosBucket

  invalidateTodos() {

Now when we call the invalidateTodos method, it'll automatically delete all the ids that it buffered. CacheBucket also exposes the add, has, delete, and clear methods.

Hack the Library

abstract class HttpCacheStorage {
  abstract has(key: string): boolean;
  abstract get(key: string): HttpResponse<any>;
  abstract set(key: string, response: HttpResponse<any>): void;
  abstract delete(key?: string): void;
export abstract class KeySerializer {
  abstract serialize(request: HttpRequest): string;
export abstract class HttpCacheGuard {
  abstract canActivate(request: HttpCacheHttpRequestRequest): boolean;

It defaults to request.method === 'GET' && request.responseType === 'json'.

abstract class TTLManager {
  abstract isValid(key: string): boolean;
  abstract set(key: string, ttl?: number): void;
  abstract delete(key?: string): void;

Compatability matrix

Cashew Angular
^4.0.0 ^17.0.0
3.1.0 >13.0.0 < 17
3.0.0 ^13.0.0
^2.0.0 ^12.0.0
^1.0.0 ^10.0.0

Contributors ✨

Thanks go to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Netanel Basal

💻 🎨 📖 🤔 🚇

Itay Oded


Shahar Kazaz


Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen


Raí Siqueira


Inbal Sinai

💻 📖

James Manners



💻 📖

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!