ngraziano / LMICPP-Arduino

Lmic (LoraWAN-in-C) modified to C++
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i need to receive int value to assign to variable in ESP #18

Closed daeynasvistas closed 2 years ago

daeynasvistas commented 2 years ago

ok, so when downlink data from NS server to node..

i need to convert value to Base64 (i use Chirpstack) then send it on Port 2 (as example, i can use API to) I then need to retreive the value in node.


int value of "24156"

Convert to HEX: 24156 -> 0x5E5C Convert HEX to Base64: 0x5E5C -> Xlw=

now send with chirpstack dashboard or API image


now get that value with great LMICPP-Arduino

union ArrayToInteger {
  byte array[2];
  uint16_t integer;

if (LMIC.getDataLen()) { 
      PRINT_DEBUG(1, F("Received %d bytes of payload - Receive class C"), LMIC.getDataLen());
      auto data = LMIC.getData();
      if (data) {
        uint8_t port = LMIC.getPort();
        if (port == 2) {                         

                ArrayToInteger converter; //Create a converter


                  PRINT_DEBUG(1, F("UNION RESULT:")); 
                  PRINT_DEBUG(1, F("Received %02X HEX"), converter.integer);
                  PRINT_DEBUG(1, F("Received %d Value"), converter.integer);
        else {
          //showText(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data));



auto data = LMIC.getData(); // i get the my data...

but is there a better way ? i dont what to send text, so i need to convert HEX to base64 in first place.. but i need to receive int value to assign to variable in ESP.

can i get value "directly from data array?" or the method i use are ok?

many thanks.. :)