ngraziano / LMICPP-Arduino

Lmic (LoraWAN-in-C) modified to C++
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avr esp32 lorawan platformio

LORAWAN Librairie for Arduino and SX1276 , SX1262 lora chip


This library try to comply with lorawan 1.0.3 but do not implement all feature. For example FSK datarate is not implemented.

For a more complete Lorawan library based on lmic, please have a look to

:warning: This library do not compile in Arduino IDE due to dependency to STL (ciband/avr_stl in case of AVR platform). It need PlatfomIO for the dependencies to be handle correctly.

For the SX1262 it only support board with TCXO.

AVR examples

Tested with Arduino Pro Mini and RFM95 on EU868 frequencies. Examples:

ESP32 examples

Tested with HelTec



Work with platformio with Arduino framework.

Copy balise exemple in a new directory. Open with platformio (VSCODE with Platformio extension) In src directory create a file named lorakeys.h wich contain the keys declared in network (for exemple

Exemple of file:

// Application in string format.
// For TTN issued EUIs the first bytes should be 70B3D5
constexpr char const appEui[] = "70B3D5XXXXXXXXXX";

// Device EUI in string format.
constexpr char const devEui[] = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
// Application key in string format.
constexpr char const appKey[] = "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";

Use define in platformio.ini build_flags to change activated part.

In main.cpp replace the content of do_send() with the data you want to send.

Test under windows

To launch unit test under windows you need to install msys2 in the following path C:\msys64. script will add msys64 path to your environment and will copy dll to the build directory.


Most source files in this repository are made available under the Eclipse Public License v1.0. Some of the AES code is available under MIT like license. Refer to each individual source file for more details.