RTMPie is a management web interface for the RTMP NGINX module.
The official installation method is using Docker and Docker Compose. Please install both tools according to their documentation.
If you want to make RTMPie available under a publicly accessible domain (e.g. demo.rtmpie.de), make sure to set up the necessary DNS settings before continuing.
When Docker is installed, proceed with installing RTMPie:
mkdir /opt/rtmpie
cd /opt/rtmpie
# Download the small installer script
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ngrie/rtmpie/main/setup.sh
bash setup.sh # Answer the questions
# Run the docker setup
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d
The webinteface will be available after a few seconds and you can login using the default credentials admin / admin
RTMPie was built using the following projects: