ngs-project / RNA_seq

RNA_seq differential expression
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RNA_seq differential expression

Prepare the data

Download the reference genome from Ensembl and use the human GRCh38 version of the genome.


Preparing the environement

conda create -y --name ngs1 python=3.6

Data Retrieval

NCBI’s fastq-dump from sra-toolkit was used to download the short reads for NCBI short read archive (SRA).

cd ~/workdir/sample_data

fastq-dump --outdir fastq --gzip --skip-technical --readids --read-filter pass --dumpbase --split-3 -N 10000 -X 4010000 --clip SRR1039520

Data Retrieval(past troubleshooting)

Direct download from NCBI


Using SRA-toolkit

Prefetch SRR103950 fastq-dump --outdir fastq --gzip --skip-technical --readids --read-filter pass --dumpbase --split-3 --clip SRR1039508 prefetch SRR1039509 fastq-dump --outdir fastq --gzip --skip-technical --readids --read-filter pass --dumpbase --split-3 --clip SRR1039509

The data was quite large around 3 gigabyte each and consuming more than 3 hours download time let alone editing it

Trying to get subset from the net Wget airway package

Setup enviornemnt

conda activate ngs1

conda install -c bioconda fastqc

conda install -c bioconda multiqc

conda install sra-toolkit\

conda install samtools

conda install -c bioconda -y hisat2

conda install kallisto

install r and dependicies

conda install r conda install -y bioconductor-deseq r-gplots

Got the bam files

Analyzing control samples

Alignment: Hisat2

Step 1 (Indexing)


REF= ./gencode.v33.transcripts.fa

hisat2-build -p 1 --ss splicesites.tsv --exon exons.tsv gencode.v33.transcripts.fa gencode.v33.transcripts REF_ERCC=./ref/ERCC92.fa

hisat2-build $REF $INDEX

Step 2 (Alignment)

RUNLOG=runlog.txt READS_DIR=~/Downloads/fastqq/fastq/fastg/ mkdir bam

align both reads for treated and untreated conditions

for SAMPLE in UNT; do for REPLICATE in 12 16 20; do R1=$READS_DIR/${SAMPLE}_Rep${REPLICATE}pass_1.fastq.gz R2=$READS_DIR/${SAMPLE}_Rep${REPLICATE}pass2.fastq.gz BAM=bam/${SAMPLE}${REPLICATE}.bam

    hisat2 $INDEX -1 $R1 -2 $R2 | samtools sort > $BAM
    samtools index $BAM


Check the Alignment summary. 4000001 reads; of these: 4000001 (100.00%) were paired; of these: 656023 (16.40%) aligned concordantly 0 times 894885 (22.37%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time 2449093 (61.23%) aligned concordantly >1 times

656023 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
  6338 (0.97%) aligned discordantly 1 time
649685 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
  1299370 mates make up the pairs; of these:
    1107153 (85.21%) aligned 0 times
    61740 (4.75%) aligned exactly 1 time
    130477 (10.04%) aligned >1 times

86.16% overall alignment rate

for SAMPLE in TTT; do for REPLICATE in 13 17 21; do R1=$READS_DIR/${SAMPLE}_Rep${REPLICATE}pass_1.fastq.gz R2=$READS_DIR/${SAMPLE}_Rep${REPLICATE}pass2.fastq.gz BAM=bam/${SAMPLE}${REPLICATE}.bam

    hisat2 $INDEX -1 $R1 -2 $R2 | samtools sort > $BAM
    samtools index $BAM


Check the Alignment summary. 4000001 reads; of these: 4000001 (100.00%) were paired; of these: 644104 (16.10%) aligned concordantly 0 times 925147 (23.13%) aligned concordantly exactly 1 time 2430750 (60.77%) aligned concordantly >1 times

644104 pairs aligned concordantly 0 times; of these:
  6320 (0.98%) aligned discordantly 1 time
637784 pairs aligned 0 times concordantly or discordantly; of these:
  1275568 mates make up the pairs; of these:
    1061485 (83.22%) aligned 0 times
    66172 (5.19%) aligned exactly 1 time
    147911 (11.60%) aligned >1 times

86.73% overall alignment rate

Step 3 (Quantification)


Generate the counts.

featureCounts -a $GTF -g gene_name -o counts.txt bam/UNT.bam bam/TTThe chromosome name of "ENST00000456328.2|ENSG00000223972.5|OTTHUMG00000000961.2|OTTHUMT00000362751.1|DDX11L1-202|DDX11L1|1657|processed_transcript|" contains 125 characters, longer than the upper limit of 99 featureCounts has to stop runningT.bam

Simplify the file to keep only the count columns.

cat counts.txt | cut -f 1,7-12 > simple_counts.txt


The chromosome name of "ENST00000456328.2 ENSG00000223972.5 OTTHUMG00000000961.2 OTTHUMT00000362751.1 DDX11L1-202 DDX11L1 1657 processed_transcript " contains 125 characters, longer than the upper limit of 99 featureCounts has to stop running
format error found in this file!

FATAL Error: The program has to terminate and no counting file is generated.

Analyze the counts with DESeq1.

cat simple_counts.txt | Rscript deseq1.r 3x3 > results_deseq1.tsv

DeSEQ1 Output header description

id: Gene or transcript name that the differential expression is computed for,
baseMean: The average normalized value across all samples,
baseMeanA, baseMeanB: The average normalized gene expression for each condition,
foldChange: The ratio baseMeanB/baseMeanA ,
log2FoldChange: log2 transform of foldChange . When we apply a 2-based logarithm the values become symmetrical around 0. A log2 fold change of 1 means a doubling of the expression level, a log2 fold change of -1 shows show a halving of the expression level.
pval: The probability that this effect is observed by chance,
padj: The adjusted probability that this effect is observed by chance.

View only rows with pval < 0.05

cat results_deseq1.tsv | awk ' $8 < 0.05 { print $0 }' > filtered_results_deseq1.tsv cat filtered_results_deseq1.tsv | Rscript draw-heatmap.r > hisat_output.pdf