ngthailam / android-base

Template for a Kotlin Android project
MIT License
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Android Base

A basic base/template for a Android project. Supported features: Feature Description PR link
Structure Multi module with clean architecture NA
Multi flavor Multiple flavours with different configs per flavour Link
DI Dependency injection with Koin, with example to inject different class per condition(s) like Android version
Room DB Room database with coroutine Link
Datastore Android new Datastore with protobuf Link
Retrofit API calls + Interceptors Link
Code format ktlint Link
CI Simple build process with code analysis Link
PR Template Simple template for Pull requests Link
Git hooks Local githooks + git commit check in CI NA



Use Clean Architecture with 3 layers Presentation, Domain, Data. Presentation depends on Domain Domain is standable (no Android code if possible), call to Data via Interface Data depends on Domain This project contains and app layer for Android specific initializations + Dependency injections


UI + UI logic such as XML, Composable, Viewmodels, Navigations, Deeplink, Notifications, etc. UiModel + UiModelMapper for greater control + logic separation for cases 2 screens uses the same domain model.


Usecases which contains business logic (Can skip if it only contains 1 get call to data layer) Models


External services, databases, API calls. Entity + EntityMapper to domain Models

Error Handling


Useful commands

Test reports


Code formatters

This project use ktlint for code formatting.

./gradlew ktlintCheck
./gradlew ktlintFormat

Current commit-msg git hook

Used to force commit messages to follow a given pattern. Update REGEX based on your usage, then put this block inside git hook using nano .git/hooks/commit-msg.

ERROR_MSG="Commit message format must match regex \"${REGEX}\""
if [[ $FILE_CONTENT =~ $REGEX ]]; then
 echo "Nice commit!"
  echo "Bad commit \"$FILE_CONTENT\", check format."
 echo $ERROR_MSG
 exit 1