nguyendodangquang / Social-distancing-and-facemask-detection

Social Distancing and face mask detection in real-time using Yolov4 & Yolov4-tiny. Come with a management website (using Streamlit). Can send alert to SMS and email.
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Social distancing and face mask detection


Why I started with this project?

Few months ago, Covid-19 happened one again in Vietnam and it’s more dangerous than ever. It has affected a lot of people, families, and companies. With Social distancing and wearing a face mask, we can slow the spreading speed of coronavirus.


By Katapult Magazin, CC BY-SA 4.0,

My project pipeline


I used 2 separate data sets to train 2 separate custom yolov4 model. One model (Yolov4-tiny) is to detect if there is any person in the image captured from camera, and calculate the distance between 2 or more people in the image, then check if the distance is lower than 2 meter or not, the other model (yolov4) is to detect if a person is wearing a mask or not.

Why yolov4?

Yolov4 has high accuracy and fast, to perform real-time detection compare to others models.

Face mask detection (yolov4)

This dataset has total 1034 images, I used 80% of the data for training, 20% for validation.

Final result (mAP): 88,38%

You can download weights for face mask detection here:

Person detection (yolov4-tiny)

This dataset has total 902 images, I used 80% of the data for training, 20% for validation.

Final result (mAP): 98,33%

How I calculated distance between people?

1. Calculate focal length of camera


Each camera have a unique focal length. I calculated mine by stand front the camera, measure distance between me and the camera (d), take my real height (R = 172cm), and calculated height of bounding box of me (from result when detected by yolov4-tiny) in pixel.

Calculate focal length f = (r x d) / R

2. Calculate distance between people to camera when detecting

With f, we can calculate distance between objects and the camera:

3. Calculate Euclidean distance distance between 2 people

We already calculate distance d between each person to camera and with position giving by yolov4 when detect a person (middle point of the bounding box), we can calculate Euclidean distance by using this formula:

How to run

Run with streamlit

streamlit run

Run with python

Real-time detect using camera:

python --confidence 0.5

Run with video:

python --confidence 0.5 --video <path_to_video>

Use email and sms to alert (need to change phone number (using Twilio), account and password of your email in

python --confidence 0.5 --use_sms 1 --use_email 1
