nhnacademy-celine / celine-auth

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= Celine Auth Firstname Lastname author@asciidoctor.org 3.0, July 29, 2022: AsciiDoc article template :toc: :icons: font :url-quickref: https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoc/latest/syntax-quick-reference/

Content entered directly below the header but before the first section heading is called the preamble.

== First level heading

This is a paragraph with a bold word and an italicized word.

.Image caption image::image-file-name.png[I am the image alt text.]

This is another paragraph.footnote:[I am footnote text and will be displayed at the bottom of the article.]

=== Second level heading

.Unordered list title

This is a paragraph.

.Example block title

Content in an example block is subject to normal substitutions.

.Sidebar title

Sidebars contain aside text and are subject to normal substitutions.

==== Third level heading

[#id-for-listing-block] .Listing block title

Content in a listing block is subject to verbatim substitutions. Listing block content is commonly used to preserve code input.

===== Fourth level heading

.Table title |=== |Column heading 1 |Column heading 2

|Column 1, row 1 |Column 2, row 1

|Column 1, row 2 |Column 2, row 2 |===

====== Fifth level heading

[quote,firstname lastname,movie title]

I am a block quote or a prose excerpt. I am subject to normal substitutions.

[verse,firstname lastname,poem title and more]

I am a verse block. Indents and endlines are preserved in verse blocks.

== First level heading

TIP: There are five admonition labels: Tip, Note, Important, Caution and Warning.

// I am a comment and won't be rendered.

. ordered list item .. nested ordered list item . ordered list item

The text at the end of this sentence is cross referenced to <<_third_level_heading,the third level heading>>

== First level heading

This is a link to the https://docs.asciidoctor.org/home/[Asciidoctor documentation]. This is an attribute reference {url-quickref}[that links this text to the AsciiDoc Syntax Quick Reference].