nhsengland / phmi

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PHMI IG Dashboard


This project uses Python 3.7.x and Sass. You will need Pipenv installed, we recommend doing so with pipsi (pipsi install pipenv).


pipenv install

Initial Set Up

Migrate your database with:

pipenv run python manage.py migrate

Load the data:

make import-csvs

If loading the data in fresh from spreadsheets the clean_csvs.sh script will run dos2unix (this needs to be installed) and removes empty csv lines.


pipenv run python manage.py runserver
sass --watch phmi/static/css/styles.scss:phmi/static/css/styles.css


update hosts.dev (and use keys natch) set your branch in deployment/group_vars/all

cd deployment
ansible-playbook setup-server.yml -i hosts.dev


Get the file name you want to restore from S3

cd deployment
ansible-playbook restore-server.yml -i hosts.dev --vault-password-file ~/.vault.txt --extra-vars "BUCKET_NAME={{ YOUR BUCKET NAME FROM S3 }}"

group_vars/all should contain the following vars

#### Project
PROJECT_NAME: # the name of the project.
PROJECT_PATH: # the directory that we download the code to
GIT_REPO: # https git remo download name
LOG_DIR: # the directory of the logs
SECRET_KEY: # the secret key for django

#### Git
GIT_REPO: # https git remo download name
GIT_BRANCH: # the git branch

#### Database
DB_USER: # the post gres user.
DB_NAME: # the post gres database
DB_PASSWORD: # the post gres database password

The created output should look something like

{{ PROJECT PATH }}/{{ PROJECT_NAME }}/ manage.py/wsgi etc
{{ PROJECT_PATH }}/static
{{ LOG_DIR }}/{{ PROJECT_NAME }}.error.log

#### Backups
BACK_UPS_DIR: # the local copy of where we store backups
AWS_BUCKET_NAME: # the AWS back up were we are backing up to

to edit the group_vars/all use

ansible-vault edit all --vault-password-file ~/.vault.txt


Currently this just has an NHS England skin as used by NCDR