nialov / multi-scale-fracture-networks-aland-islands-2022

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Multi-scale fracture networks at Åland Islands - data analysis

This is an open-source repository that enables the reproducibility of tables and figures in an article about multi-scale fracture and lineament analysis at Åland Islands.

Software and data

The workflow declared in this repository requires the use of nix ( which guarantees binary reproducibility of the software used. Consequently, the analysis declared here should be reproducible in any Linux-machine that has nix installed.

Some data is downloaded from several public APIs:

Rights and copyright of the downloaded data belong to the representative organizations.

Rest of the data is included in the git repository and is the property of the author and the Geological Survey of Finland KYT KARIKKO -project. See folder ./data/ for this static data.

Installation and reproduction of tables and figures

Downloading of the repository:

.. code:: bash

Use git to download repository and associated submodules

git clone --recurse-submodules

Change directory to the repository

cd multi-scale-fracture-networks-aland-islands-2022

With nix installed:

.. code:: bash

   # Enter development shell (installs main software dependencies)
   nix develop
   # Install Python dependencies with poetry
   poetry install

Without ``nix`` installed:

Without nix you need to have several software installed on your system. Installation of these software will depend on the linux system you are using. The project dependencies are listed in ./flake.nix as such (check the file for most up-to-date dependencies):

.. code:: nix

Scroll to the below section in ./flake.nix

packages = with pkgs; [ pre-commit # Not required, only for development pandoc poetry-wrapped # I.e. poetry imagemagick fontconfig # Probably not required dos2unix # Not required gdal watchexec # Not required wget unzip ];

After installing the dependencies, you can try installing the python dependencies with poetry and run analyses:

.. code:: bash

Install Python dependencies with poetry

poetry install

Installing without nix is not supported as the reproducibility is compromised as the versions of software can vary and things will invariably break at some point.

Running analyses

After installation:

.. code:: bash

   # If installed with nix, you need to be in nix develop -shell
   nix develop
   # Download all data and run all analyses declared in as tasks
   # Note: this will take time. Download of data is circa 10 GB
   # and is subject to restrictions by and
   # fracture network analysis with fractopo of all Geta fracture trace
   # data (n=~40000) can take several minutes depending on system.
   poetry run doit
   # To run tasks in parallel (faster) add the -n
   # flag to doit with the number of cpu cores
   # Can also reduce verbosity with -v flag
   # Example with 12 cpu cores and as low verbosity as possible:
   poetry run doit -n 12 -v 0

Main tables and figures that appear in the article should be populated
in the ``outputs/final`` directory.

To run a subset of tasks defined in ```` you can specify the
tasks as such:

.. code:: bash

   # To create table 4
   poetry run doit -n 12 -v 0 final_tab04_azimuth_set_table
   # To create tables 4 and 5:
   poetry run doit -n 12 -v 0 final_tab04_azimuth_set_table final_tab02_data_count_table


-  ``poetry`` is used alongside ``nix``. ``poetry`` does not guarantee
   binary reproducibility but should practically guarantee that the same
   python packages are installed every time through ``poetry.lock``.
-  Some figures are created using ``QGIS 3.18``. This creation could be
   automated but has not been due to time constraints. Consequently, the
   ``QGIS``-based figures are not guaranteed to be reproducible but
   should be reasonably "recreatable" by opening the project files in
   the ``qgis/`` folder. Tasks related to ``QGIS`` are not defined when
   the environment does not match the authors (hardcoded paths).
-  ``task_final_fig02_add_index_to_drone_rasters`` requires too much
   disk space on ``GitHub Actions`` so it is disabled there. Should work
   fine locally.