nibbstack / erc721-validator-api

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ERC721 Validator API

REST API for validating ERC-721 contracts.


This api operates as a global english-based service.


Here is a list of available endpoints:


The server speaks JSON. It's recommended that every call to the server includes the ContentType header set to application/json; charset=utf-8;.

Requests with POST or PUT methods must send data as application/json or mutipart/form-data when files are included in the request body.

$ curl -X 'POST' 'https://URL/example' \
       -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' \
       -d $'{ "name": "John Smith" }'


Server response always reflects user's abilities. This means that some routes return personalized data based on user's permissions.

Every response has a unique ID which helps identifying potential problems. It also includes a status code that helps identifying the cause of a problem.

Successful requests include a data key, which holds a valid response object, and a meta key, which holds additional information about the result.

  "data": { ... },
  "id": ...,
  "meta": { ... },
  "status": ...,

In case of failur, the server responds with errors key, which holds a list of error objects.

  "errors": [ ... ]
  "id": ...,
  "status": ...,

Query requests through GET method can return status codes 200, 400, 401, 403 or 500. Mutations through POST, PUT and DELETE can return also codes 201 and 422. Invalid routes return status code 404.

Error Handling

Errors include a unique code number and an error message. The code number helps identifying potential problems and points to the exact position in the system.

  "errors": [
      "code": 50033,
      "message": "Invalid path."

Below is a complete list of handled errors.

Code Message
50033 Invalid path.
50034 Unhandled system error.


Most of the routes are public which means that user authentication is not required. The API requests and responses are based on user's abilities.

[public] GET /

Returns the general server information.

[public] GET /basic

Runs selected basic test.

Query parameters
Name Type Default Errors Description
test Number - - Test case number - valid from 1 - 10.
contract String - - Valid contract address.

[public] GET /token

Runs selected basic test.

Query parameters
Name Type Default Errors Description
test Number - - Test case number - valid from 1 - 3.
contract String - - Valid contract address.
token String - - Valid token id.

[public] GET /transfer

Runs selected basic test.

Query parameters
Name Type Default Errors Description
test Number - - Test case number - valid from 1 - 14.
contract String - - Valid contract address.
token String - - Valid token id.
giver String - - Valid account address.



Before you run the project, make sure you configure environment variables. You should create a configuration file for each environemnt:

Here is how the file content should look like:

export APP_ENV=development
export APP_SECRET=notasecret
export API_HOST=''
export API_PORT=4444
export WEB3_URL='WEB3_URL'

Source code

Run the commands below to install the service and all the required dependencies. Also make sure that you can access required repositories before running the commands below.

$ git clone
$ cd erc721-vaildator-api
$ npm install

Run tests and start the server.

$ npm test
$ npm run development:start-http