nicejunjie / scilib-accel

automatic GPU offload for scientific libraries
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Automatic GPU offload for scientific libraries (hopefully not just BLAS). Designed for NVidia Grace-Hopper.

All level-3 BLAS subroutines are supported now!
gemm, symm, trmm, trsm, syrk, syr2k, hemm, herk, *her2k.

fftw support in progress.

Only NVIDIA GPU is supported but may support other GPU in the future.

For a fully functional BLAS/LAPACK/ScaLAPACK profiler, please refer to my other tool: SCILIB-Prof


make to make all

[recommended] make dbi to make only the DBI-based version which works for both dynamically and statically linked BLAS, but needs FRIDA DBI library (downloads automatically).

make dl to make only the DLSYM-based version which only works with dynamically linked BLAS. This version has no dependency on the external DBI library but also has fewer features available (key offload features are not affected).


load the chosen library before running your BLAS-heavy application.

[recommended] LD_PRELOAD=$PATH_TO_LIB/

Optionally use the following environmental variables to fine-tune:

Known issues:

For using openmpi in NVHPC/24.3, bugs from the UCX side were observed, UCX driver somehow interferes with memory pages and causes issue using NUMA 1 (the HBM). Before NVIDIA fixes the bug, UCX has to be turned off. The issue has been resolved in NVHPC/24.7.

export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$nt
mpirun --mca pml ^ucx --mca btl self,vader,tcp -n $nrank -map-by node:PE=$nt $EXE


export OMP_NUM_THREADS=$nt
export OMPI_MCA_pml="^ucx"
export OMPI_MCA_btl="self,vader"
export OMPI_MCA_coll="^hcoll"

mpirun -n $nrank -map-by node:PE=$nt $EXE

Latest test data:

PARSEC ( MPI x OMP = 32x2)
real-space Density Functional Theory code
Method App Total Runtime DGEMM Time Data Movement Notes
CPU, single Grace 776.5 608s 0
SCILIB-Accel S1: data copy 425.7s 12.4s 220.7s
SCILIB-Accel S2: pin on HBM 299.6s 28.5s 0
SCILIB-Accel S2: -gpu=unified * 246.8s 56.6s N/A 64k page
SCILIB-Accel S3: GPU First Use 220.3s 29.1s 1.3s Matrix reuse: 570

* require both PARSEC and SCILIB-Accel to be recompiled with -gpu=unified, and only works well with 64k page due to CUDA bugs in 4k.

MuST ( MPI x OMP = 28x2)
Multiple Scattering Theory code for first principle calculations
Method App Total Runtime ZGEMM+ZTRSM Time Data Movement Notes
CPU, single Grace 124s 82.5s + 35.2s 0
Native GPU (cuSolver) 57.4s N/A N/A
SCILIB-Accel S1: data copy 31.5s 11.7s + 1.4s 13.6s
SCILIB-Accel S3: GPU First Use 30.7 15.9s + 3.8 3.6s Matrix reuse: 70
HPL (using binary from NVIDIA's HPC container) HPL Method Rmax (TFlops) t_dgemm (s) t_data (s) Notes
CPU, single Grace 2.8 188.8 0
SCILIB-Accel S2: pin on HBM 25.7 11.6 0
SCILIB-Accel S3: GPU First Use 11.3 14.2 9.2 Matrix reuse: 6
Native GPU 51.7 - -


This paper summarizes the early developments. The current performance is much better than it was outlined in the paper.
Automatic BLAS Offloading on Unified Memory Architecture: A Study on NVIDIA Grace-Hopper