nicercode /

Source for the blog:
4 stars 1 forks source link


This package contains materials for the Nice R Code blog, run by Rich FitzJohn and Daniel Falster. The site is constructed using Octopress. The git repo is private, hosted on bitbucket. The site is deployed on github at All edits are in bitbucket repo. The only thing that happens on github is to deploy.

Octopress documentation

Excluding posts from front page

Using a small modification to the pagination plug-in described here post can be excluded from the front page by marking them draft (see _config.yaml for the list of categories to be shown or excluded on front page).

Draft posts can then be viewed at

Working with Rmd files

Rmd files should be kept in the _drafts directory, as they cause problems when posted in the _posts directory. The function knit_post function can is used to publish suitable md and associated image files from the _drafts to over to the _posts directory.


# Setting publish = FALSE will produce files in the _drafts directory, for review 
knit_post("trial.Rmd", publish=FALSE)

# Setting publish = TRUE will publish post to _posts, figures to _images and delete corresponding files from the drafts directory

knit_post("trial.Rmd", publish=TRUE)

Formatting changes to consider

Formatting conventions

Setting up on a new machine

Here are summary instructions for setting up on a new machine. For more info see octopress documentation.

Clone nicercode project from bitbucket

git clone

Install rbenv

git clone git:// .rbenv git clone git:// ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build

make sure .rbenv is in path. Bash users follow std instructions at link above. For zshell users, make sure following lines are in .zshrc

path=(/Users/dfalster/bin /Users/dfalster/.rbenv/bin $path)
export path
eval "$(rbenv init -)" 

Then in new terminal window

rbenv install 1.9.3-p194  #  to install newer version of ruby
rbenv rehash
sudo gem install bundler
rbenv rehash    # If you use rbenv, rehash to be able to run the bundle 

command bundle install

Install pow

curl | sh.

pow creates a local webserver. Give your page a local name, viewable in web browser on your machine,e.g.

cd ~/.pow
ln -s path/to/nicercode/gitrepo nicercode

Setup rake to work with github

rake setup_github_pages

Making a post

  1. rake new_post\["Trial"\]

  2. edit file produced, e.g. edit source/_posts/2013-03-07-trial.markdown

  3. Preview post using rake preview #makes viewable in web-browser at localhost:4000 or (if you are using pow)

  4. Other ways to preview are a. rake generate #to build site
    b. rake watch #starts process that watches for file updates and rebuilds.

  5. commit,push to bitbucket

  6. rake deploy deploys to github


see the Octopress Plugin index for the full list of Octopress plugins.

Sharing code


Use the blockquotes package to format author, source, link for a quote

{% blockquote [author[, source]] [link] [source_link_title] %}
Quote string
{% endblockquote %}

Gist code

Easily embed gists in your posts or pages using gist Tag package

{% gist 996818 %}