nicholasmello / arcade-builder

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Arcade Builder

This is a builder script and supporting files for creating a custom arcade machine image using buildroot to load on raspberry pis.


./builder setup BOARDNAME

Valid board names include rpi4-arcade-min, rpi4-arcade, and rpi4-arcade-dev. After running setup, a builds directory will be created above the project directory to store buildroot and builds. To compile the project run make in the project directory located at ../builds/BOARDNAME

To setup and run make together run ./builder build BOARDNAME

The default behavior is to build with symlinks, this can be disabled by adding the stand-alone option ./builder setup BOARDNAME stand-alone

A directory to build in can be specified with the environment variable BUILD_DIR BUILD_DIR="a/path" ./builder build BOARDNAME

Project Structure


This folder contains additional packages not found in buildroot that are to be added to the project.


These contain partial buildroot config files which will be combined to create a build


Config files in this directory correspond to each board and list the partial config files that will be combined to create that build.


Contains a local skeleton that will be added on top of the buildroot default one. Overwrites all files that are duplicated in both places.

Load procedure

After running make on a build, there will be an image file to load an sd card at ./output/images/sdcard.img. This can be loaded onto an sd card with your favorite imager such as the Rasberry Pi Imager