nicinabox / boiler

The missing package manager for unRAID
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Boiler is a tool to create, distribute, install, and update unRAID packages (plugins) easily. It extends Slackware's native package system to provide conveniences to devs (like config persistence) as well as users (like no need to reboot when installing or removing a package and easy updating).

Visit the registry to see all available packages.

Install for unRAID

curl -s | sh


convert PLG             # Convert a plg to boiler package
deploy DIR HOST         # Pack and copy to an unRAID machine (for testing)
help [COMMAND]          # Describe available commands or one specific command
info NAME               # Get info on installed package
init [DIRECTORY]        # Create a boiler.json in the specified directory
install NAME [VERSION]  # Install a package by name
list [NAME]             # List installed packages
open NAME               # Open a package's homepage
pack DIR                # Pack a directory for distribution
register NAME URL       # Register a package
remove NAME             # Remove (uninstall) a package
search NAME             # Search for packages
update NAME [VERSION]   # Update package by name
version                 # Prints version

Creating a package

The simplest package is just directory with a boiler.json file. This project is a boiler package itself (meta!).

  1. Create a directory for your project
  2. Run boiler init in that directory

Registering a package

Boiler packages use git as the distribution mechanism. Your package must be a publicly available git repo (Github recommended, but not required).

  1. Run boiler register NAME URL, where NAME is the name of your package, and URL is the git url (use the git:// protocol!)
  2. Profit!

Maintaining your package

Once a package is registered, it does not need to be updated through boiler. Boiler makes use of git tags (use semver!) to deliver a package version. Commit and tag as normal to release your package.

Package anatomy

There are some special files boiler looks for when creating the final package.

config/*.json - (prefix: /boot/plugins/custom/NAME/)

If your project has config files, place them here.

bin/*, lib/*, Gemfile* - (prefix: /usr/local/boiler/NAME/)


The post_install option in boiler.json appends lines here. It's okay to create this file to have more complex code and allow post_install to append simpler parts.

boiler.json - (prefix: /var/log/boiler/NAME/)

The meat-and-potatoes of a boiler package. It is required to register a package.

README.*, LICENSE* - (prefix: /usr/docs/NAME/)

You should include a readme in your project detailing what your project is, how it install it, where to find configurations, etc.


See this project's boiler.json for a working example.

name string (required) - The name of your package

version string (required) - The version of your package. Should be semver and match git tags

description string - A description of your package. This helps people discover your package.

arch string - Defaults to noarch

build string - Defaults to unraid

authors array - An array of authors/contributors.

license string - Specify a license for your package so people know how they're permitted to use it and any restrictions you're placing on it

homepage string - Url to the project's homepage

dependencies string - A hash of Slackware dependencies ("openssl": ">=1.0.1c"). May use version constraints

ignore array - Ignore files or directories when building the package

prefix array - Prefix files or directories with a path during packaging. Useful for mapping directories (say bin to, /usr/local/bin)

symlink hash - Define files to be symlinked on install

post_install array - Define commands to run during post install



Boiler loves contributors!

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


MIT. Copyright 2014 Nic Aitch

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