nick42d / youtui

TUI and API for YouTube Music written in Rust
MIT License
30 stars 2 forks source link


Youtui - a simple TUI YouTube Music player written in Rust aiming to implement an Artist->Albums workflow for searching for music, and using discoverability principles for navigation. Inspired by and cmus.

Ytmapi-rs - an asynchronous API for YouTube Music using Google's internal API, Tokio and Reqwest. Inspired by

This project is not supported or endorsed by Google.


Endpoint Implemented: Query Implemented: Continuations
GetArtist [x]
GetAlbum [x]
GetArtistAlbums [x]
Search [x] [ ]
GetSearchSuggestions [x]
GetHome [ ]
GetAlbumBrowseId [ ]
GetUser [ ]
GetUserPlaylists [ ]
GetSong [ ]
GetSongRelated [ ]
GetLyrics [x]
GetTasteProfile [ ]
SetTasteProfile [ ]
GetMoodCategories [ ]
GetMoodPlaylists [ ]
GetCharts [ ]
GetWatchPlaylist [ ]* [ ]
GetLibraryPlaylists [x] [ ]
GetLibrarySongs [x] [ ]
GetLibraryAlbums [x] [ ]
GetLibraryArtists [x] [ ]
GetLibrarySubscriptions [x] [ ]
GetLikedSongs [ ]
GetHistory [ ]
AddHistoryItem [ ]
RemoveHistoryItem [ ]
RateSong [ ]
EditSongLibraryStatus [ ]
RatePlaylist [ ]
SubscribeArtists [ ]
UnsubscribeArtists [ ]
GetPlaylist [x] [ ]
CreatePlaylist [x]
EditPlaylist [x]
DeletePlaylist [x]
AddPlaylistItems [x]
RemovePlaylistItems [x]
GetLibraryUploadSongs [ ]
GetLibraryUploadArtists [ ]
GetLibraryUploadAlbums [ ]
GetLibraryUploadArtist [ ]
GetLibraryUploadAlbum [ ]
UploadAlbum [ ]
DeleteUploadEntity [ ]

* get watch playlist is partially implemented only

Additional information

See the wiki for additional information