nickbreen / docker-mysql-backup-cron

GNU General Public License v2.0
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A cron job runs every 8 hours. Override this by setting cron job spec's in the CRON_D_BACKUP environment variable.

It backups all databases, unless DBS is specified as a space separated list of DB's to backup, using mysqldump.
The file are gziped and uploaded to S3 via s3cmd.

The DB will be connected to as root and requires $MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD be set from the linked DB container.

You must specify an AWS access key and secret key as well as the S3 bucket and optionally the prefix to store the backups in.

You must specify the bucket (and prefix) with the s3: scheme and trailing slash; e.g. s3://some-bucket/ or s3://some-bucket/some-prefix/.

By default, the S3 region used is us-east-1. You can override it with the REGION environment variable. See the official amazon region names for more informations.

See docker-compose.yml for an example of configuration.


Use docker exec <container> / to take an immediate backup.

Use docker exec <container> / to list available backups to restore from. Then docker exec / <filename of backup> to restore it.