nickchomey / ddev-wordpress

Wordpress related addon for DDEV
Apache License 2.0
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This ddev add-on both simplifies getting started with a WordPress project in DDEV, as well as adds some crucial functionality that addresses fundamental shortcomings with WordPress in a development environment - namely with regards to accessing it via a non-production URL.

Challenges of running WordPress in DDEV

Different Database and other configurations

WordPress sets its database, redis and other configurations in the wp-config.php file, rather than through any sort of environment variables. So, when we copy a wordpress installation from production to development, we need to change these credentials and other site-wide settings.

An eventual goal (see issue #1) will be to load everything through environment variables and .env files, but for now we simply create a wrapper wp-config.php file that then loads a wp-config-{environment_type}.php, depending on which environment (production, staging, development, local) you're in. This is used, rather than the existing wp-config-ddev.php file because development is one of the natively supported wordpress environment types. Also, DDEV's default WordPress configurations just generally create excessive friction.

Absolute URL usage

Wordpress does not have any support for using relative paths. Instead, everything is done with absolute urls - be it internal a href links to other pages, or the urls for loading static assets.

Moreover, it hardcodes the site url in the wp_options table in the database, which can also be configured in wp-config.php.

There have been various attempts over the decades to implement relative paths.

  1. Using a slew of ever-changing and always-insufficient wordpress hooks (e.g. This plugin)
  2. Wrapping the request early-on with php output buffers and rewriting the URLs. (e.g.

But these have always been insufficient - they don't handle all headers, maybe don't work early or late enough in the request, don't handle redirects perfectly, etc...

Pushes for changes in WP Core ( have been resoundingly rejected. Wordpress will always only ever work with absolute URLs.

As is always prudent with WP, don't swim against the tide! Instead, the only options for doing any local development on a Wordpress site have been to:

  1. Set your hosts file so that requests to the production domain are fulfilled locally. This prevents access to the production site, and also inevitably causes errors when you are turning hosts on and off. DNS caching also gets in the way.
  2. Set a new hostname/fully-qualified DNS (which DDEV makes easy) and do a global search/replace in the database to change the production URL to something like This is also a hassle. It also prevents you from using DDEV's native capacity for routing multiple hostnames and fully-qualified DNS to the same project.

Early pre-release versions of this addon made extensive efforts to leverage the dynamic middleware capabilities of DDEV's Traefik-powered router to rewrite the URLs within the request and response body and headers, so as to allow for multiple hostnames to be able to reach a single WP site. However, it was ultimately concluded to be a futile effort. There are too many hidden edge cases - Gutenberg, in particular, has some features that require absolute URLs, and also sends the absolute URLs in the body of various POST requests to the WP Rest API.

In the end, it was determined to be best to stick to the recommendation to replace the production URL in the database with the development URL. Unfortunately wp-cli's search-replace command does not replace everything, so this addon pulls in the OS-appropriate binary of the go-search-replace tool, developed by Automattic and used in their WP VIP service. When you import an existing WP site with this addon, or select its changeurl command, it will prompt you for a new URL, export the database to an sql file, run it through go-search-replace, and re-import it.


Testing it out

  1. Open an existing DDEV Project and install this add-on with ddev addon get nickchomey/ddev-wordpress. It will be installed globally rather than in the project. This only needs to be done once.
  2. Create a new directory in which you want to create a new DDEV WordPress project. Enter the directory.
  3. run ddev wordpress install - you will be prompted for some details. Use whatever you like for all of it, but try using a different URL from the ddev project name/directory name. (e.g. if the directory is named test, the url will be But you can set the production URL to
  4. It will do everything automatically and restart the ddev container, after which you can open the browser to and it will be browsing and behaving as if you are accessing
  5. Try uploading some media or creating links between internal pages.
  6. Create new hostnames/fqdns in the ddev project's config.yaml file. Restart DDEV.
  7. Access the site with any of these URLs. Notice that the media and links point to /wp-content/uploads/2024/09/media.jpg rather than
  8. If you eventually deploy the site to production, you can simply point your DNS record to the server and it will work.


It is most likely that you would get errors related to the wp-config.php and wp-config-development.php mechanism. Inspect those files for errors. Also, if you use something like Bedrock, it may not work at all. Please feel free to report any issues here.

You can also check that the WPURL environment variable is correctly set in .ddev/config.yaml to the database's production URL. This is necessary for the relative paths to work.

If you get any sort of infinite redirect loop (particularly a 301 code), it could mean that the URL rewriting rules are not working quite as comprehensively as needed. Please open an issue with details and we'll get it solved.

Reference Notes from the Add-on Template for outstanding tasks

Components of the repository

Getting started

  1. Choose a good descriptive name for your add-on. It should probably start with "ddev-" and include the basic service or functionality. If it's particular to a specific CMS, perhaps ddev-<CMS>-servicename.

  2. Create the new template repository by using the template button.

  3. Globally replace "ddev-wordpress" with the name of your add-on.

  4. Add the files that need to be added to a DDEV project to the repository. For example, you might replace docker-compose.ddev-wordpress.yaml with the docker-compose.*.yaml for your recipe.

  5. Update the install.yaml to give the necessary instructions for installing the add-on:

    • The fundamental line is the project_files directive, a list of files to be copied from this repo into the project .ddev directory.
    • You can optionally add files to the global_files directive as well, which will cause files to be placed in the global .ddev directory, ~/.ddev.
    • Finally, pre_install_commands and post_install_commands are supported. These can use the host-side environment variables documented in DDEV docs.
  6. Update tests/test.bats to provide a reasonable test for your repository. Tests are triggered either by manually executing bats ./tests/test.bats, automatically on every push to the repository, or periodically each night. Please make sure to attend to test failures when they happen. Others will be depending on you. Bats is a simple testing framework that just uses Bash. To run a Bats test locally, you have to install bats-core first. Then you download your add-on, and finally run bats ./tests/test.bats within the root of the uncompressed directory. To learn more about Bats see the documentation.

  7. When everything is working, including the tests, you can push the repository to GitHub.

  8. Create a release on GitHub.

  9. Test manually with ddev get <owner/repo>.

  10. You can test PRs with ddev get<user>/<repo>/tarball/<branch>

  11. Update the to describe the add-on, how to use it, and how to contribute. If there are any manual actions that have to be taken, please explain them. If it requires special configuration of the using project, please explain how to do those. Examples in ddev/ddev-solr, ddev/ddev-memcached, and (advanced) ddev-platformsh.

  12. Update the header in Title Case format, for example, use # DDEV Redis, not # ddev-redis.

  13. Add a good short description to your repo, and add the topic "ddev-get". It will immediately be added to the list provided by ddev get --list --all.

  14. When it has matured you will hopefully want to have it become an "official" maintained add-on. Open an issue in the DDEV queue for that.

Add-ons were covered in DDEV Add-ons: Creating, maintaining, testing (part of the DDEV Contributor Live Training).

Note that more advanced techniques are discussed in DDEV docs.

How to debug tests (Github Actions)

  1. You need an SSH-key registered with GitHub. You either pick the key you have already used with or you create a dedicated new one with ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -a 64 -f tmate_ed25519 -C "$(date +'%d-%m-%Y')" and add it at

  2. Add the following snippet to ~/.ssh/config:

Host *
    User git
    AddKeysToAgent yes
    UseKeychain yes
    PreferredAuthentications publickey
    IdentitiesOnly yes
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/tmate_ed25519
  1. Go to<user>/<repo>/actions/workflows/tests.yml.

  2. Click the Run workflow button and you will have the option to select the branch to run the workflow from and activate tmate by checking the Debug with tmate checkbox for this run.


  1. After the workflow_dispatch event was triggered, click the All workflows link in the sidebar and then click the tests action in progress workflow.

  2. Pick one of the jobs in progress in the sidebar.

  3. Wait until the current task list reaches the tmate debugging session section and the output shows something like:

106 SSH: ssh
107 or: ssh -i <path-to-private-SSH-key>
108 SSH: ssh
109 or: ssh -i <path-to-private-SSH-key>
  1. Copy and execute the first option ssh in the terminal and continue by pressing either q or Ctrl + c.

  2. Start the Bats test with bats ./tests/test.bats.

For a more detailed documentation about tmate see Debug your GitHub Actions by using tmate.

Contributed and maintained by @CONTRIBUTOR