nickdevhouse / dotfiles

My Neovim Environment Setup
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My Neovim Environment Setup 🚀

Clone My Setup

If you donot care below XZY setups, just want to have a some setup with me, simply download and run below scripts

IMPORTANT: Backup your own setup first, just in case you want it back. Proceed at your own risk! Cheers~ Happy coding.


👇 Further more info about my setup. 👇

neovim screenshot

neovim screenshot

neovim screenshot

neovim screenshot

neovim screenshot

neovim screenshot

neovim screenshot

neovim screenshot

neovim screenshot

Terminal Setup

Install Homebrew

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install iTerm2

brew install iterm2

Color Presets: dotfiles/iTerm_presets.itermcolors

Font: SauceCodePro Nerd Font

Install Git

brew install git

Install Fish shell

brew install fish

Install Fisher (A plugin manager for Fish)

curl -sL | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher

Install z for fish

fisher install jethrokuan/z

Install Exa

brew install exa

Install ghq

brew install ghq

Install peco:

brew install peco

Tmux Setup

brew install tmux

Configuration: dotfiles/.config/tmux/tmux.conf

Neovim Setup