nickelulz / GlasshouseTweaks

This is a manager plugin for including various tweaks for managing a minecraft server, such as incorporating hits that works alongside a discord bot.
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GlasshouseTweaks: A not-so-simple hit system implementation plugin for Spigot Minecraft

This plugin is designed to implement a hit system through integrating a discord bot that runs alongside this bot (which can already be found here.)

The 'Hit' System

The hit system on this bot was programmed with a few ideas in mind. Firstly, there are two types of hits: a 'public' hit (Bounty) and a private hit (Contract.) Bounties are open for anybody to claim but incur higher cooldowns and higher prices, and Contracts are secretive wherein a hirer negotiates with a specific person prior to placing the hit.


There are 3 types of cooldowns: placing a hit, being a contractor for a hit, and being targetted by a hit. Each one has a different default time (placing is 2 hours, contracting is 2 hours, and targetting is 4 hours) but these values can be changed by reconfiguring the bot.

Anarchy Day

Built into the plugin is a special state known as 'anarchy day'. It is defined by a day of the week in which the bot goes into a state where no kills are illegal, regardless of the circumstances. This can be turned on or off and specified in 'config.yml'.
