nickhodge / BoxKite.Twitter

Modern C# Twitter API using .NET Reactive Extensions, async calls
MIT License
41 stars 11 forks source link


boxkite logo

BoxKite.Twitter is a netstandard 1.4 library that provides an interface to the Twitter API 1.1, licensed MS-PL.

Supporting all platforms that compatible with netstandard 1.4; it uses modern .NET development mechanisms async/await and Reactive Extensions.

Questions? You can find me on Twitter, of course! @RealNickHodge and @GeoffreyHuntley

Geoffrey Huntley @ghuntley has a great BoxKite.Twitter examples here

Version News

Version 3.0.0 Changes:

Version 2.4.0 Changes:

Version 2.3.0 Changes:

Version 2.2.x Changes:

Version 2.1 Changes:

Version 2.0.x-pre Implements/Changes:

Plans for 2.3 Release

Version 1.5.x Implements:

Version 1.4.x Implements:

Version 1.3.x Fixes/Implements:

Version 1.2.x Fixes/Implements:

1.0.6 (and 1.0.5) Fixes/Implements:

1.0.4 Fixes/Implements:

Twitter API Coverage

At the present time, BoxKite.Twitter supports API version 1.1 of the following:

NuGet Package

BoxKite.Twitter listing on NuGet

Install-Package BoxKite.Twitter

So What Does the Code look like?

Pop into the wiki to see code examples

Wiki documentation

Documentation is online and provided in the Wiki

Extra Info and Documentation

To Build:

Where you can help out

API Coverage, With Tests & Intellisense Comments

From Twitter REST API v1.1



(Dependency when running BoxKite.Twitter.Tests only)

Copyright, License Information

BoxKite.Twitter was started by Brendan Forster ( as a part of a larger Twitter project now on permanent hiatus.

BoxKite.Twitter is Licensed under: MS-PL

Copyright: Nick Hodge, Brendan Forster and Geoffrey Huntley 2012-2017

BoxKite Logo is Copyright 2012 Nick Hodge

Why BoxKite?

Everyone likes flying kites, right? The original inventor of the box kite was Lawrence Hargrave. In 1893. And he was an Australian. Sadly missing from our newer plastic yet colourful currency, Lawrence was one of those guys who helped manned flight become a reality.

And keeping with the Twitter bird theme, flying and airborne I created a fork of the MahTweets twitter client in late 2011 and named it MahTweets Lawrence Hargrave.

In mid 2012, Brendan needed a code name for a new Twitter "thing" he was working on. Keeping in this flighty theme, I named his app "BoxKite". For posterity's sake, I have absconded with Brendan's code, and my contributed codename (and a nifty icon) and have dubbed this project BoxKite.